What Contractors Think About Prefabricated Piping
Among 190 of the largest users of pipe, 77% now use large-scale prefabricated piping. These users report an average saving, using prefabricated pipe versus conventional pipe, of 23%. Before...

Filter Fabrics in Shore-Protection Structures: Save Money, Ease Installation
Over the past decade, plastic filter fabrics have seen growing use in shore-protection structures (e.g. revetments, breakwaters, jetties), river-bank protection schemes, and other areas...

Texas Uses Fabric to Protect Pavement from Cracks
Thin asphalt concrete overlays are susceptible to reflective cracking, which is the migration of the cracks in an old pavement into and subsequently through its overlay. To find a remedy...

California Soon to Have Platform in 850 Ft of Water
Exxon's oil drilling and production platform, to be placed off Santa Barbara, Calif. next July, will stand in water twice as deep�� 850 ft versus about 420 ft�� as any other...

Filter Fabrics: Growing Use in Road and Highway Construction
Filter fabrics are seeing increasing use in road and highway construction; and promise to see greatly expanded use in the near future. A rapidly growing use is in constructing longitudinal...

Largest and Lightest Fabric Roof to Date
A dome concept that could change roof design throughout the world is being used on the new Pontiac Metropolitan Stadium in Michigan. The roof is a cable restrained air supported fiberglass...

Will Industry Meet Water-Quality Goals�
What impact will the 1972 Water Pollution Control Act Amendments (PL 92-500) have on American industry? Able to cope with 1977 requirement to install best practicable technology (BPT)?...





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