Sprinkler System Design for Frost Protection
Both undertree and overtree systems for frost protection by sprinkling are currently being used. The criteria based on experimental results and theoretical modeling have been reviewed...

Redondo Beach King Harbor Model Studies, California
Redondo Beach King Harbor frequently experiences damage when large winter waves occur in conjunction with high water levels. Damages consist of revetment failure, land erosion, flooding,...

Shell Island Restoration
Shell Island is a barrier island along the Louisiana coast that protects back bays and marsh land south of New Orleans. In 1979, the island was breached by a hurricane, exposing the back...

Field Verification Experiment of a Wave Power Extracting Caisson Breakwater
The Ministry of Transport in Japan is conducting a field verification experiment of a wave power converter with a vertical breakwater called the wave power extracting caisson breakwater....

More Than a Public Hearing
Too often, required community input is reduced to the sometimes dreaded public hearing. Many formal public-involvement programs are comprised of no more than this minimal, yet essential,...

Industry Faces the Parking Problem
Parking structures are deteriorating; no land is available for new facilities; and employees have no other options for parking. The situation is a serious one, verging on disaster for...

Anchoring a Dam
To comply with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission requirements with regard to stability under a postulated Probable Maximum Flood, an extensive foundation investigation and stability...

Environmental Engineering
This proceedings was presented at the Environmental Engineering 1990 Specialty Conference sponsored by the Environmental Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers...

A Seawall for Sea Mammals
With glass walls only 75 ft from Lake Michigan, an aquarium addition demanded solid seawall protection. Yes, in a strange twist of logic, the first step in creating a whale habitat for...

The Fatigue Performance of Welded Joints in a Marine Environment
The fatigue lives of plate-plate, pipe-plate, and tubular welded joints tested in seawater under free corrosion, optimum cathodic protection and cathodic overprotection measured in the...

Suburban Superfund
Discovery of methane seeping into houses at a new development near Newark, Del. set off investigations that eventually led to the U.S. EPA declaring the site eligible for Superund cleanup...

Bermed Shelters Subjected to Accidental Explosions
An investigation of the adequacy of two competing shelter designs to protect the occupants from an accidental explosion in a nearby shelter is described. Two bermed shelters, one of rectangular...

Patterns of Erosion Along the Atlantic Coast
Shoreline erosion data are needed in the implementation of recent legislation that authorizes the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to provide advance insurance payments for the...

Backbarrier Beaches on a Developed Shoreline
The purpose of this paper is to identify the nature and magnitude of alterations to backbarrier environments on Island Beach Spit, NJ. This location was selected because it has different...

Sand Accounting Methodology for Barrier Island Sediment Budget Analysis
A wide variety of theoretical and analytical techniques are used for estimating island budgets, but surveying has provided the most accurate means of evaluating change. To make comparisons...

Historical Shoreline Changes: A Comparison of Mean High Water and Vegetation Line Movement
A cooperative study produced historic mean high water shoreline change maps for the State of South Carolina. These maps have been used to calculate erosion rates for the entire developed...

Barrier Islands: Dynamic Coastal Landforms Requiring Complex Management Decisions
Barrier islands and spits are found along ten to twenty percent of the world's coastline, and are the predominant coastal landforms composing about eighty-five percent of...

Temporal and Spatial Variations in Shoreline Migration Rates, Metompkin Island, Virginia
Examination of historic shoreline position changes provides a mechanism for evaluating the influence of spatial and temporal variations in barrier island morphology on the long-term evolution...

Shoreline Response of Northern New Jersey Barrier System
The barrier island system along northern New Jersey coastline was evaluated for changes in shoreline trends, based on recent shoreline mapping and in support of U.S. Army Engineer, New...

A Case Study of Ebb Tidal Delta Equilibrium: Ocean City, Maryland
The inlet at Ocean City, Maryland was created by hurricane surge breaching of Fenwick Island Spit in 1933. Inlet stabilization was completed in 1934-1935. The inlet jetties have been held...





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