Side Resistance of Drilled Shafts in the Denver and Pierre Formations
Results of load tests on drilled shaft foundations in Upper Cretaceous shales are described and evaluated. Three load tests were conducted on shafts in the Denver Formation, in Denver,...
Airport Towers: A New Generation
Airport control towers are a unique building type with monumental significance, both for the cities that own and operate the airports, and for the FAA which owns and operates them. Airport...
Mass and Energy Tradeoffs of Axial Penetration Devices on Lunar Soil Simulant
Axial penetration of the lunar surface was performed to collect soil samples with drive tubes and drill cores on the six successful Apollo missions. Although the pile-driving and drill...
In Situ Recovery of Water from Dormant Comet Cores & CI Carbonaceous Chondrites
Water and volatiles may be produced by drill holes into dormant comet cores or class CI or CM asteroids. This is modeled after in-situ mining as in the Frasch process sulfur mines of the...
The Transport and Fate of Drilling Muds
The disposal of drilling muds from offshore oil platforms is of concern because of the potential effects of pollution from these muds. Both drilling muds and fine-grained bottom sediments...
Feasibility Study of Petroleum Development in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
This paper discusses the viability of Antarctic petroleum development and estimates when Antarctic oil production could become economically feasible. The analysis is based on a hypothetical...
Manholes and Microtunneling
Contractors are for the Oakwood Beach Interceptor Sewer Project, on Staten Island, N.Y., were having difficulty. Glacial tills and a high water table made working 90 ft below the ground...
Design Control Overview fot the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Exploratory Shaft Facility
This paper presents an overview of the design control process used for the Exploratory Shaft Facility (ESF) at Yucca Mountain. Design and design control is a complex, often iterative,...
Dry Drilling and Coring Development for Unsaturated Zone Studies
Two areas of major difficulty associated with characterization of any unsaturated zone are the conventional drilling and coring processes used to acquire the samples. These processes are...
The Shaft Excavation Effect Experiment
The Shaft Excavation Effect (SEE) experiment has been carried out by Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC). Corresponding to this experiment, an evaluation system...
Shaft Boring Machine?A Method of Mechanized Vertical Shaft Excavation
The Shaft Boring Machine (SBM) is a vertical application of proven rock boring technology. The machine applies a rotating cutter wheel with disk cutters for shaft excavation. The wheel...
Design, Selection, and Application of Disc Cutters in Hard and Abrasive Rock
Disc cutters have been used on tunnel boring and shaft boring machines for many years and are a proven method to bore hard rock. This paper will study the important parameters which effect...
The Pressuremeter: Some Special Applications
The preboring pressuremeter has been used for foundation design for many years. Some recent developments are presented which extend the applications of the pressuremeter. These developments...
Dynamic Testing to Predict Static Performance of Drilled Shafts Results of FHWA Research
The paper describes the preliminary results of recent research sponsored by the FHWA on predicting by relatively economical dynamic methods, the static capacity and performance of drilled...
Targeted Public Outreach
The Minerals Management Service (MMS) has a public affairs program whose goal is to inform the public about the functions of the MMS. An overview of the program is discussed in this article....
Reassessing the 3-Mile State/Federal Boundary
The allocation of state versus federal authority offshore is critical in determining the complexion and pace of OCS oil and gas development. Yet, recurring drilling moratoria indicate...
An Offshore Borehole Mining Experiment: Its Operational and Environmental Implications
The Continental Shelf Division of the Marine Minerals Technology Center (MMTC), conducted a miniborehole mining experiment offshore Georgia in June 1990. A remote placer drill developed...
A Model for Evaluating Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Exploration Plans
The North Carolina OCS Office in consultation with emergency response planning & management (erp&m) developed evaluation matrices for use in evaluating the adequacy and...
OCS Oil and Gas Off South Florida?Developing a Consensus on the Facts
Drilling for oil and gas in the area north of the Florida Keys has been a contentious issue over the last several years. To help provide an understanding of the effects of exploration...
The Pacific Northwest OCS Task Force?Evolution and Status
The Pacific Northwest Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Task Force was established in January of 1989 to provide advice to the Secretary of the Department of the Interior (DOI) on issues related...
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