Environmentally Sustainable Development: A Concept in Action
Environmentally sustainable development denotes a balanced approach with appropriate consideration for environmental protection. The successes achieved in the development of five diverse...

Movable-Bed Model to Evaluate Nile River Dredging
About 200 km south of Cario, at Bani Mazar reach, the Nile River has widened and formed several islands. The result is three channels with shallow depths. One of the branches must be improved...

Biological and Physical Aspects of Dredging, Kings Bay, Georgia
This proceedings, Biological and Physical Aspects of Dredging in Kings Bay, Georgia, contains papers presented at Coastal Zone '91,...

The U.K. Marina Industry?An Overview
This paper is written from the point of view of an established marina developer and operator and, as the title suggests, it purports to be nothing more than an overview of a number of...

Eilat?A Paradise of Coast and Sealife
This paper describes the development of the existing lagoon in Eilat, Israel, into a modern marina and the dredging of two new lagoons. The existing lagoon was dredged and developed some...

Montgomery Point Lock and Dam Entrance to the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System
The McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System has experienced a steady and positive increase in use. However, in the last 10 years changing conditions along the Mississippi River...

Application of the GRASS Geographic Information System in a Sensitive Environment of the Arkansas River Navigation System
A Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to assist the selection of environmentally sensitive dredge material disposal sites along the Arkansas River Navigation System. Maintenance...

Modeling and Data Uses in Hydraulic Transport Investigations, New Bedford Estuary, Mass.
Field measurements, laboratory tests, and models were used together to make transport predictions for the sediments and dissolved materials which would be released by proposed dredging...

Maintenance Scheduling for Water Resource Systems: An Application to Advance Maintenance Dredging
A number of investigations have been performed in the recent years to analyze the effect of advance maintenance and to see if it is justifiable. These studies gave promising results but...

Top Projects 1990
A dam, a bridge, an expressway, an interchange, flood control improvements, wastewater treatment and a dredged material containment embankment round out the 1990 Outstanding Civil Engineering...

The Dredging Dilemma
Disposal of dredge materials is becoming a national environmental problem. Disposal sites on land are becoming extremely scarce and environmental objections growing. There are also objections...

New Wharf Covers Trident Submarines
The U.S. Navy's newer fleet of Trident-class submarines requires upgraded support facilities. Work has continued on expanding the base at Kings Bay, Georgia. The explosive...

Dredge Disposal Monitoring by Fourier Shape Analysis
Fourier grain-shape analysis characterizes a population of sediments in terms of the shapes of the grains. The technique of grain-shape analysis has been successfully applied to the area...

Geocosta Operations?A Program of Oceanographic Expeditions for the Brazilian Inner Shelf
In July 1979, a new expedition was conducted with the R.V. Almirate Camara, in the same area as GEOMAR X, with the following purposes: surveying profiles with side scan sonar and conducting...

Comparison of n Values in Natural and Dredged Channels
Manning's n values were determined for three stream channels in two complex watersheds in North Mississippi. The study covered a wide range of channel conditions and flow...

Settling Basin Model for the Personal Computer
The SETSIZE program, models sediment deposition in a settling basin. The program can be applied to determine the length of time until dredging or cleaning is necessary or solve for an...

Design of Ash Basin Dike across Cove
Embankments built over soft, unstable foundation materials had required that the materials either be removed or reinforced. With the introduction of geotextiles, it is now economically...

Least-Cost Scheduling of Advance Maintenance Dredging
New methods are suggested for scheduling advance maintenance dredging operations on isolated reaches of navigation channels. For reaches where siltation occurs regularly as a result of...

Hydraulic Fill Structures
This volume contains 53 papers covering many aspects of hydraulic fill structures with special emphasis on geotechnical issues. The papers present an excellent review of historical development,...

Environmental Considerations to Channel Dredging
In this paper two principal areas of environmental concern were investigated. The first is the physical impact of dredging and deposition of solid materials causing turbidity on aquatic...





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