H & H Modeling in High Water Table-Low Relief Area

Bid Preparation and Construction Sequence

Specifications and the Contracting Process: Owners Viewpoint

Design Data Collection for Preparing Job Specifications

International Drainage Construction Conflicts

Planning for Urbanization: How Far in the Future?

Construction of Drains in Liquefying Saturated Soils

Drainage Conflicts in Urban Areas

Agricultural Drainage Engineering Practice

Recent Work in the Design and O&M of I&D Systems

Review of Manual 57: Management, Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation and Drainage Systems

The Use of Drainage in Expanding the Capabilities of Irrigated Land Application Systems

Water Quality Impacts from Agricultural Drainage of Peat Soils in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

Drainage by Evaporation for Soil Salinity Control

Transient Flow Analysis of Canal Networks Using the Implicit Finite Difference Model

Compaction Grouting to Reduce Seismic Risk and Collapse Potential for Freeway Storm Drain System

Drainage Capacity of Stone Columns or Gravel Drains for Mitigating Liquefaction

Putting Wetlands to Work
Wetlands, whether natural or engineered, have enormous potential to clean up wastewater, but in the past, the public called on civil engineers to drain wetlands en masse as a public benefit....

Pipeline Drainage Discharge Analysis

Management of Winter Diffuse Pollution from Urban Areas: Effect of Drainage and Deicing Operations





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