Re-Creating the Rainbow Bridge
A team of American and Chinese experts constructed a pier-free arch bridge in China based only on a 12th century...
Environmental Technology Verification Report for Ammonia Recovery Process
Prepared by the Environmental Technology Evaluation Center (EvTEC), a CERF Service Center. This report describes the nature and scope of an environmental...
Building a Sound Company Culture
For small companies just starting out, the priorities are often generating business and completing the work on time, on budget, and in accordance with applicable standards. In the process...
Safety in a Designer's Hands
Although contractors face safety issues every day, engineers and architects have traditionally not addressed construction site safety in project designs. But there are design practices...
The Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century (AIR-21) spans a five year period, reauthorizing the Federal Aviation Administration and the Airport Improvement Program (AIP)....
The Final Connection
In 1969, New York City Transit (NYCT) began construction of a new subway to link Manhattan to east Queens. But funding issues prevented this 63rd Street Line from being completed as planned...
Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Awards
Out of 27 nominations, the $9.8 million Cape Hatteras Light Station Relocation Project, which saved a national treasure along the North Carolina coastline and required extensive planning...
Dealing with Debris
A comprehensive debris-management plan for the city of Houston will facilitate and coordinate the management of debris removal and disposal following a disaster to mitigate any threat...
The California Experience
With a terrain that ranges from the highest mountains to the lowest deserts, from salt marshes to beaches, from sierra to plateau, the natural environment that challenges the California...
The Economics of Beach Nourishment in Delaware
This study provides a detailed examination of the benefits of Delaware's ongoing nourishment program, and examines the incidence of benefits to those who live within and outside of the...
Assessing the Benefits of Clean, Healthy Beaches
Today, there is a need for a national economic benefits study that will enable policy makers to understand what return they can expect from an investment of taxpayer dollars in a coastal...
Where Will We Get Our Future Coastal Engineers?
This summer, the National Research Council's Marine Board issued a report, written by thirteen experts, detailing the importance of coastal engineering for the country, assessing the state...
Growing the Beaches: Restoring the Ventura Coast
The Surfrider Foundation has served as a catalyst for current efforts to restore eroded beaches in Ventura, California through a managed retreat from the shoreline and through watershed...
San Diego Regional Beach Sand Project
The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) is proposing the San Diego Regional Beach Sand Project to replenish the County's beaches. SANDAG represents the Cities within San Diego...
A Study of the Stability of the Elms Cliffs on the Chesapeake Bay
The Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries form one of the most prized natural treasures of the United States. Although parts of the Bay's shoreline have been subjected to pollution, overdevelopment...
Beach Changes Triggered by Seaward Development of Towns, Expansion of Coastal Forest and Construction of Detached Breakwaters at a Pocket Beach
Beach changes triggered by seaward development of towns, expansion of coastal forests and construction of detached breakwaters at a pocket beach were analyzed, taking the Ariake-Ishihama...
Monitoring and Performance Analysis of Protection Works at Rosslare Strand
Post construction monitoring and performance analysis has become an important part of many major coastal protection projects. In the past such work was carried out very much on an ad-hoc...
Currently Available Lake Dredging Techniques and the New Demand for Lake Sediments as a Beneficial Resource
Dredging is introduced as an effective lake restoration technique. The various techniques associated with each major category of equipment are explained. It is emphasized that large lake...
Environmentally Friendly Transport of Reservoir Sediment for Beach Nourishment with EDDY Pump
Sand impounded behind hydroelectric, flood-control and debris dams not only diminishes the intended function of the reservoir, but also starves downstream coastline by denying natural...
Regional Shoreline Group Session
California's beaches have suffered over the past decade. However to date, very little has been done to address the problem. The Sand Rights 99 conference serves as the venue for addressing...
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