Glen Canyon Hydropower vs. The Grand Canyon (The Conflict of Basic Values)
Competing for the scarce resources of our future is the byword of the 1990's. For the last century and more, the United States has been in the position of always having more...

In-Mine Hydroelectric Power Generating Station
Mines in the world are continually descending to greater depths in the search of mineral deposits. Water and energy usage are crucial to expansion. To help deal with this problem, Freeport...

AgriMet/Hydromet?Satellite Telemetry Meeting Water Management Challenges in the Pacific Northwest
In the hydropower-rich Pacific Northwest (approximately 70% of total regional load served), water resource agencies such as the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and the Bonneville...

Multi-Purpose Subsurface Drainage System for the Town of Saguache
The town of Saguache, Colorado had a high water table during the irrigation season that caused numerous problems within the town and resulted in high infiltration rates to the sewer system...

Stream Water Quality Modeling in Ankara Metropolitan Area
At the time this study was undertaken, untreated wastewaters from Ankara metropolitan area (capital of Turkish Republic) were being discharged directly into Ankara Creek and its tributaries....

Transportation of Cities' Colorado River Water in the Salt River Project's Canal System
Cities in the Phoenix, Arizona, metropolitan area have contracted with the Central Arizona Water Conservation District to take delivery of Colorado River water. Many of their water treatment...

Heavy Metal Transport in the Columbia River, British Columbia
Data on the total forms of selected metals were used to assess their concentrations at two sampling sites on the Canadian Columbia River from 1984 to 1989. Cadmium, the response variable...

Plugging Evaluation in the Re-Use of Sewage Effluent by Drip Irrigation
Primary and secondary effluent can be reused for irrigation by a drip system. When a proper lateral line with an emitter size of 0.75 mm is selected, the plugging can be maintained at...

Effects of Wastewater Irrigation on Aqueous Geochemistry
A comprehensive assessment of the environmental impact of a full-scale, operating overland flow (OLF) land treatment system was made of the Campbell Soup, Inc. OLF system in Paris, Texas....

Application of Decision Analysis in Groundwater Remediation Design
The design of groundwater remediation systems involves selecting from a set of design alternatives under conditions of uncertainty. A risk-based decision analysis approach is presented...

Risk-Based Decision-Making Regarding Mixed Waste Disposal Systems
An efficient approach has been developed for making rational and defensible decisions among a variety of 'options' (e.g., remedial actions, engineered barrier...

Application of Tracer Tests in Groundwater Remediation Design
Recent advances in the area of field testing for the quantification of hydraulic conductivity have resulted in improved site characterization of aquifer hydraulics and greater reliability...

Predicting Microbial Contamination of Ground Water
As a result of the drinking water standards for viruses established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in 1985, mandatory groundwater disinfection requirements were recently...

Effects of Solute Transport Processes on In-Situ Denitrification for Nitrate Control in Ground Water
This paper discusses the effects of solute transport mechanisms on the effectiveness of biodenitrification in the subsurface environment. The only solute transport processes apparently...

Influence of Soil and Sediment pH and Redox Conditions on Degradation of Toxic Organics
The presence of toxic organics in soil and sediments has raised concern over persistence and bioaccumulation. In the absence of oxygen, microbial degradation of toxic organics proceeds...

Effect of Nile River Flow on Performance of Shoubrah Power Plant Cooling System
Shoubrah El-Khimah Power Plant was built in 1982. Its peak capacity is 1200 MW, generated by four units, three of them having one cooling water intake. The cooling water pumps suffer from...

Environmental and Hydraulic Considerations in the Design of a Circulating Water Cooling System
Environmental considerations play an important part in the design of a condenser cooling system. A once-through system may require assessment of a combination of events to determine the...

Design of a Stratified Cooling Channel
Cooling ponds are used for managing waste heat discharges. Cooling ponds are, however, expensive to construct and operate. A cooling channel is studied as an alternative means of managing...

Enhancing Effluent Water Quality of Sedimentation Basins Using Constructed Wetlands Technology
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has constructed twelve wetlands to treat acid drainage at reclaimed coal mines and fossil-fueled power plants. These wetlands are designed primarily...

Model Studies of Outlet and Intake at McCook Reservoir
Two separate physical models were used to investigate the outflow and inflow into the proposed McCook Reservoir. The proposed reservoir will be located in McCook, Illinois, and will serve...





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