Water Quality Effects on Eucalyptus ET
The researchers are testing established methods for measuring evapotranspiration (ET) from a 6-year old plantation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis containing about 3,000 trees per ha in a...

Technology Transfer Lessons from a U.S. Water District
An interceptor canal will be constructed near the end of eight laterals to collect and transport operational discharge and returned farm deliveries to a reservoir for temporary storage....

Rehabilitating Irrigation Systems from the 20th Century for the 21st Century
Irrigation projects were begun in the southwestern United States in the late 1800's. These projects were increased and modified during the 1900's and have become the lifeblood of reservations...

Planning for Water Conservation Through Irrigation System Modernization and Rehabilitation
A landmark agreement became effective in December 1989 between the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and Imperial Irrigation District which provides for the implementation...

Broad-Crested Weir Application on 15,000-Acre Farm
Growers in California have been subjected to increasing pressure to account for water used on the farm due to limited water supplies and increasing energy costs. Water measurement capability...

Operation of the Central Valley Project During California's Drought
The Federal Central Valley Project is one of the country's major water resource developments. A severe 5-year drought has tested the capabilities of the CVP to meet its authorized purposes....

Water Management Under Drought Conditions: An Overview of Practices by Non-Federal Entities
This paper provides an overview of water management procedures and practices of non-federal water management agencies under drought conditions. The general components of drought water...

Management of Agricultural Drainage Pollution Considering Regional Cooperation
Increasing awareness of toxic substance discharge from agriculture in the San Joaquin Valley of California has resulted in discharge limits on individual constituents in agricultural drainage....

Cloud Seeding: The Engineering is Done, but What About Social Impacts?
As engineers, we tend to focus on the technical aspects of cloud seeding, and may neglect important social aspects or potential side effects. Often people in the target area are more concerned...

New Cruise Terminal for San Francisco
A new international Cruise Terminal is being developed at Pier 30-32 in San Francisco, to replace present inadequate facilities at Pier 35. The Cruise Terminal will be developed as part...

Alameda Transportation Corridor
The Alameda Transportation Corridor is a significant new commitment on the part of the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to improve and increase rail and highway access and capacity...

Planning, Design and Integration of a Computerized Terminal Operating System
NYK Line's new terminal at the Port of Los Angeles (photograph below) features innovative design and advanced terminal operating system integration....

Application of Traffic Engineering Concepts to Pleasure Boat Traffic
The Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors initiated a study to investigate the feasibility of adding slips along the main channel in Marina del Rey in response to the surplus...

Design of Marina Replacement Facilities
A majority of the waterfront design projects within the State of California are for the replacement of existing facilities since the densely populated shoreline areas are already heavily...

Soil Contamination Issues at Port Marine Terminals
A preliminary survey of hydrocarbon contaminated soil and groundwater problems in U.S. west coast ports indicates that the problem occurs in most major port areas. Using the Port of Los...

Pile Lateral Load Test in the Port of Los Angeles
Recent wharf projects in West Coast ports have featured rock dikes to contain backland fill and the use of vertical piles embedded in the rock dikes to resist lateral loads. This paper...

Measured Fill Performance at Berths 212-215 in the Port of Los Angeles
This paper summarizes the performance of an instrumentation fill constructed in open water in the Port of Los Angeles (Port). A new container-handling facility was constructed that consisted...

Non-Intrusive Rayleigh Wave Measurement System for Soil Profiling in Ports
Accurate shear wave velocity profiles have been long recognized as essential data to evaluate the dynamic response of soil deposits and soil-structure interaction under earthquake and...

Land Reclamation Design for the Port of Los Angeles' 2020 Plan
In order to meet future cargo demands the Ports of Los Angeles (POLA) and Long Beach in conjunction with the United States Army Corps of Engineers have conducted a long-range planning...

Results of a Monitoring Program of Moored Ship Response to Gravity and Infragravity Waves
An automated monitoring system was designed and operated at a coal terminal in Los Angeles Harbor, and a container terminal in Long Beach Harbor, to obtain the complete six degree-of-freedom...





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