An Interactive Computer Code for Generations of Artificial Earthquake Records
A new interactive computer code is presented in this work for the calculation of artificial earthquake records that comply with any arbitrarily specified target response spectra or power...
Application of the FESWMS-2DH Software to Solve the Navigation Problem at EL-Menya Bridge in Egypt
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the application of a two-dimensional Finite Element Surface Water Modelling System on a navigation problem located along the Nile river in front...
Expert System for Bridge Scour and Stream Stability
Significant engineering judgment is required to ascertain the scour susceptibility of bridges. This judgment is typically acquired through many years of experience. This paper describes...
Interactive Cost Estimating During Design
This paper describes a model, called the Automated Interactive Cost Estimating System (AICES), which gives users access to reinforced concrete cost information that is sensitive to variations...
BRICAL: A Multimedia Intelligent Educational System for Bridge Engineering
This paper discusses the development of a multimedia intelligent educational prototype system for bridge engineering called BRICAL. BRICAL uses information networks to express the relationships...
Bridge Condition Rating Using Fuzzy Sets and an Eigenvector of Priority Settings
A simplified methodology for combining the condition rating of the various elements of bridge components (deck, superstructure or substructure) is developed using a multi-attributive decision...
An Overview of the Analysis and Design Techniques Used on the Main Tunnels of the SSC
Sophisticated numerical analysis and design techniques were devised for the Supercollider in order to produce a design which closely reflected the constraints of the construction processes,...
Conceptual Design Using Evolutive-Cognitive Computing Techniques
The paper concerns the development of a computer-based capability for conducting conceptual design using emergent(self-organizing) computing paradigms that arrive at a solution through...
Use and Abuse of Settlement Analysis
Terzaghi's concept of settlement analysis included comparison of prediction with reality and investigation of the causes of the differences. Present usage is often limited to prediction....
Settlement of Embankments on Soft Clays
It is now possible to make reliable predictions of settlement of embankments on soft clays. In most situations, where the embankment is designed to resist undrained instability during...
Methods to Reduce the Settlement of Embankments on Soft Clay: A Review
New trends have been observed during the past ten years in the practice of settlement control for embankments on soft clays: they include increased use of rigid (piles) or semi-rigid (stone...
Settlement of Tanks on Clay
Steel tanks for storage of water, oil, and other liquids are capable of withstanding large, but not unlimited, settlements without damage. In most cases shallow foundations provide adequate...
Predicting Shallow Foundation Settlement in Sands from DMT
The dilatometer test is ideal for predicting the settlement of shallow foundations. It directly measures a modulus of the soil and has been correlated to predict stress history. Recently,...
53 WAK Tests on Spread Footings
Research on the prediction of soil stiffnesses of spread footing-soil systems using Wave Activated Stiffness (K) or WAK tests was conducted. As discrete lumped-parameter model with a mass,...
Footing Load Tests on Sand
Four full size footings were load tested at a site in Texas. The embedded footings were situated on a thin layer of stiff clay underlain by a thick deposit of medium dense to dense sand....
Vertical and Horizontal Deformations for Foundations on Sand: An Experimental Study
A natural scale model is used in order to investigate experimentally the sand soil deformation behavior which accepts loads by shallow foundations. The vertical and horizontal soil displacements...
Uplift Load-Displacement Behavior of Grillage Foundations
Full-scale field tests were conducted on steel grillage foundations for lattice transmission line towers that had been in place since 1929, 1947, and 1958. A total of eight tests were...
Deformations in Sand Layer During Pile Driving
This paper presents measurements of settlement and lateral soil movements in a medium dense to dense sand layer due to densification during driving of precast concrete piles. At one end...
Testing and Predicting the Movement of a Drilled Shaft in New Mexico
The New Mexico State Highway and Transportation Department (NMSH&TD) have been using drilled shafts for supporting bridges in the State of New Mexico. Several drilled shafts were...
Analysis of the Juturnaiba Embankment Dam Built on an Organic Soft Clay
The Juturnaiba Dam, located in the northern part of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, has 1.2 km of its length built on an organic soft clay about four meters deep. The construction of the...
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