A Rezoning Procedure for Finite Element Analysis of Rubber-like Materials
In this paper, we propose a rezoning procedure for finite element analysis of rubber-like materials. Rezoning procedures connect the distorted mesh and the newly created and undistorted...

The Optimum Parameter Selection for 4-Point Time Domain Integration Schemes
In this paper, a general method of time dimension discretization based on the idea of finite element is presented for dynamic analysis. Two kinds of recurrent formulations are derived...

What is Multimedia Computing?
Computing changed dramatically in the 1980s. The emergence of the personal computer desktop as a standard has spawned the existence of an incredible 60 million personal computers worldwide....

Interdisciplinary Communication of Design Critique in the Conceptual Design Stage
Computer tools provide little support for the communication of design concepts and problems across disciplines. Our objective is to help bridge the communication gap between architects...

Computerized Approach for Forecasting the Rate of Cost Escalation
This paper reviews the treatment of escalation in construction costs. The causes of escalation are outlined and the effect of escalation on the contractor and the owner is discussed. Various...

Conceptual Cost Estimating: A Hybrid Neural-Expert System Approach
This paper presents a hybrid neural-expert system approach for developing conceptual cost estimates based on historical data of construction projects. The proposed hybrid neural-expert...

An Integrated Computer-Based Total Design Environment for Civil Engineering Education
The nature of design within the professional practice of civil engineering today, combined with the curricular and content requirements for design of the Accreditation Board for Engineering...

GT BEAM ? An Interactive Graphic Beam Analysis Program for Education
An interactive beam analysis program called GT BEAM, that has been developed at Georgia Tech for use in undergraduate mechanics courses, is presented. The development objectives of the...

Public Utilities GIS: Promises and Pitfalls
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and public utilities are natural partners. Municipal public utilities departments and other public works agencies rely on geographical information...

Thin-Walled Finite Element for Curved Multicell Box Girders
The generalized Vlasov's thin-walled beam theory was combined with the finite element technique to develop a new curved thin-walled multicell box girder finite element which can model...

Combined Boundary Element and Finite Element Analysis of Composite Slab on Girder Bridges
In this paper, the coupling of boundary element and finite element methods and its application to analyze slab on girder bridges are studied. The boundary element method (BEM) is employed...

A Finite Difference Approach to the Modelling of Thick Bridge Decks
The finite difference method, although well known as an efficient numerical method, was applied in the past, in the case of slabs, only for the solution of thin slabs. In the present study,...

Optimal Resource Leveling Using Integer-Linear Programming
The project manager strives to schedule various project tasks as efficiently as possible. But, resources available to the project manager are limited. A problem arises when a schedule...

A Program Architecture for Interactive Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Structures
This paper discusses a general object-oriented architecture for use in nonlinear dynamic structural finite element analyses. In light of the special issues surrounding such analyses, the...

Object-Oriented Finite Element Modeling
The present paper studies the suitability of object-oriented modeling strategies for problems of structural mechanics. After a general discussion of the topic, special emphasis is put...

Object Oriented Design of Finite Element Software for Transient, Non-Linear Coupling Problems
The application of the Finite Element Method to general transient, non-linearly coupled problems calls for high conceptual clarity in software design. In order to attain extendibility...

Research of the Limit Function About Imperfection and the Approximately Calculating Method of the Internal Forces of Hyperbolic Cooling Tower
The authors use the finite elemental program, which made by themselves and makes use of finite element method with rotational shell, to calculate the deformation in hyperbolic cooling...

Modeling and Analysis of Shafts and Tunnels for the SSC
A brief overview of the Superconducting Super Collider Project (SSC) is presented followed by a discussion of the 3D modeling and finite element analysis of tunnels and shafts. The sequential...

Using Finite Element Analysis to Derive the Coefficient of Subgrade Reaction
The coefficient subgrade reaction is a concept used to generate spring constants which are commonly used to model the foundation subgrade in the analysis of mat foundations. This paper...

The Hybrid Solution Approach of ESBE
ESBE is the hybrid object-oriented expert system for the optimization of construction site layout. The task is the dimensioning and the arrangement of the individual construction site...





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