Impacts of Climate Change in the Missouri River Basin
The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is being used as a base model to simulate the Missouri River basin for prediction of the impacts of climate change on water resources in the region....

Water Balance of the Niger Basin
A map-based method is used to construct a monthly water balance model of the 2.3 million km Niger River basin in West Africa. The watersheds and stream network within the basin are derived...

BASINS?A GIS-linked Watershed Analysis and Modeling Tool
Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) is a GIS based tool developed by EPA's Office of Water to help States target and evaluate water...

Acquisition and Restoration of a Drainage District in the Snohomish River Valley
The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the efforts by Snohomish County to acquire a drainage district (Drainage District 6) in the lower Snohomish River valley and restore...

Third Party Impacts of Proposed Water Banking in the Colorado River Basin
Colorado River water is allocated to the seven Basin states based on a set of legal entitlements. Little flexibility is explicitly granted for addressing water shortages to particular...

Hollyhills Drain Relief for 1920s Drainage System
The paper will discuss design and construction problems encountered for a $50,000,000 Urban Storm Drain System in the Metropolitan Los Angeles Area. The Drainage System relieves a system...

Seawater Intrusion Solutions for the Salinas Valley
Seawater intrusion has been occurring in the aquifers of the Salinas Valley ground water basin for more than 40 years. Two capital projects that will help reduce the rate of seawater intrusion...

Monitoring of Wetlands, Wet Ponds, and Grassed Swales

Digital Mapping for General Planning and Master Drainage Planning Tampe Port Authority

Stormwater Retrofitting Techniques for Water Quality Benefits

Effectiveness of Detention Based Stormwater Management on the Brandywine

Issues in Water Rights Modeling

Standardizing the Shared Use of Transboundary Water Resources

Klamath Basin: Integrated Water Resources Management

Catch Basin Management: An Important CSO Technique

Lessons Learned From The Great Flood of 1993

Implementing an Artificial Recharge Program in an Alluvial Ground Water Basin in Southern California

Conjunctive Use Planning in the Tanshui River Basin, Taiwan

Integrated River Basin Management in Latin America

Assessing the Hydrologic Impacts of Climate Change on the Colorado River Basin





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