Flushing Characteristics for Harbor Planning
A two-dimensional hydrodynamics model was used to understand the circulation and transport patterns in Keelung Harbor, Taiwan. The calculated hydrodynamics information was used to determine...
Wave Shoaling on Uniform Currents
The purposes of this paper are to investigate the characteristics of waves coexisting with uniform currents on a sloping bottom. The theoretical calculations of the third order approximation...
Boundary Element Calculation of Nonlinear Wave Generation and Wave Current Interactions
A boundary element model is used to simulate the problem of nonlinear wave generation, and the interactions of wave and current. The numerical model is established based on the potential...
Extracting Dynamics from Ocean Wave Time Series Data
Recent developments in chaotic dynamics have indicated that qualitative information of a dynamical system can be extracted from the observation of a single time series as the time series...
Comparative Performance of Spectral and Parametric Numerical Wave Prediction Models in Lake Michigan
Four different numerical wave prediction models are used to hindcast wave conditions in Lake Michigan for a 10 day case in October, 1988. Results are compared to observed wave height and...
Wave Calculation Using WAM Model and NMC Wind
The CYCLE 2 version of the WAM (Wave Model) model is used to hinfcast global ocean wave spectra, using the NMC (National Meteorological Center) winds, for a period of about 60 days. The...
Experimental and Numerical Chaos in Continuous Systems: Two Case Studies
Motivated by recent numerical investigations according to which certain types of deep-water compliant offshore structures may experience undesirable chaotic motions, two types of experimental...
The Dispersion of Ocean Outfall Plumes: Physical and Biological Dynamics
The discharge of municipal wastewater into the coastal ocean through large ocean outfalls is an important component in managing sewage wastes generated by heavily populated urban areas...
Moored Systems for Time Series Observations of Bio-optical and Physical Variability in the Coastal Ocean
Recently, multivariable moored systems (MVMS) have been developed to study the ecology and physics of the upper ocean. Concurrent MVMS measurements provide time series of beam attenuation...
Mixing and Dispersion Processes in the Vicinity of an Ocean Outfall System in Southern California
Ocean wastewater plumes are important for the disposal of municipal wastes in Southern California. These plumes, which are discharged from sanitation systems, can be distinguished in the...
Assessment of the Nearshore Zone at St. Marys Inlet, Florida
St. Marys Inlet connects Cumberland Sound from the Atlantic Ocean and actually forms the coastline border between Georgia and Florida. Drumstick shaped barriers are located to the north...
The Safeguard of the Coastal Environment: A Possibility of a Preventive Action Against the Erosive Phenomena
The goal of this study is to show how it was possible to predict the widespread erosion along the Emilia-Romagna littoral (Italy). It was possible if a systematic survey of the coastal...
Case Study: Management and Development Along the East China Sea, China
Situated in the central part of the West Pacific rim, the East China Sea is the most important one of the four China Seas. About 1/3 of the coastline, 2/5 of the estuaries and 1/2 of the...
Building a Regional Consensus for Ecosystem Management: The Gulf of Maine Experience
This paper will review the genesis of the Gulf of Maine Program, a regional marine protection initiative undertaken by the states and provinces bordering this international water body....
The Present State of the Adriatic Sea Sanitation Program
Several consecutive years of frightening phenomena in the Adriatic Sea, which have made a great impact on the tourist economy, have demonstrated the need for rapid and effective sanitation...
The Torres Strait Baseline Study: Environmental Protection of a Tropical Marine Environment in Northern Australia
This paper discusses the potential impacts of mining in the Fly River catchment area of Papua New Guinea on the Torres Strait marine environment and the customary ways of life of the Torres...
A Baseline Study of Trace Metals in Marine Organisms from Ghana, West Africa
As part of the Joint FAO/IOC/WHO/IAEA/UNEP Project on monitoring of pollution in the marine environment of the West and Central African region, 279 samples representing 17 families and...
Reassessing the 3-Mile State/Federal Boundary
The allocation of state versus federal authority offshore is critical in determining the complexion and pace of OCS oil and gas development. Yet, recurring drilling moratoria indicate...
Fishery Management Implications of the U.S. Territorial Sea Extension
The Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 (MFCMA) declares a national standard that '[t]o the extent practicable, an individual stock of fish shall be managed...
Assessing the Needs of Coastal Zone Management Education for the 1990s
Since the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA, 72) was enacted in 1972, nearly two decades ago, a profession of coastal zone managers has emerged. To meet the growing demand created for...
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