ET from Shallow Groundwater Maintained by Controlled-Drainage/Subirrigation System
Soil-water management by maintaining a shallow groundwater level (watertable) via a dual purpose subdrainage-subirrigation system, is becoming popular in humid regions of the United States...
An Interagency Program to Improve Irrigated Agriculture
An interagency Management Improvement Program (MIP) has been initiated to develop, apply, and evaluate the MIP methodology as a way to improve resource management and organizational effectiveness...
Design of Latticed Steel Transmission Structures
This standard,
Expert Systems for Civil Engineers
Knowledge Representation
This committee report,
High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1992
The proceedings of the third International Conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Mnagement, held on April 12-16, 1992, Las Vegas, Nevada, provides information on the technical and...
Road and Airport Pavement Response Monitoring Systems
This proceedings,
Water's New World
Potential applications of computer automation in the water industry have become increasingly apparent in the last several years. A growing number of water agencies are considering purchasing...
Highway Design in 3-D
Limitations in the flexibility and intelligence of commercial roadway design packages led Hart-Freeland-Roberts, Inc., Brentwood, TN, to write its own highway design software. From the...
Beyond Push-Button GPS
In 1993, the U.S. Air Force Space Command will complete its deployment of 24 satellites for the Global Positioning System, affording 3-dimensional positions and velocities 24 hours a day...
A Monumental Task
The geotechnical consultants, structural engineer and contractor combined to overcome difficult soils, underground subway structures and buried utilities when building the foundations...
Cranes, Concrete, Construction...and Computers
Computers are already firmly entrenched in the design process. Now, they're touching all corners of construction. Applications range from traditional project management tasks...
Appropriate Technology for Flood Warnings
Computers can help protect cities and other developed areas by enhancing flood warning systems, but smaller communities may not be able to take advantage of their sophistication. The Corps...
The Evolution of an Environmental Monitor
After more than 40 years of planning, litigation, design and construction, one of the nation's most controversial highway projects is finished. The completion earlier this...
Taming Tornado Alley
Some structures�such as nuclear power plants�need complete protection from tornadoes regardless of the high costs of design and construction. Public facilities need protection too, but...
Expert Systems: Ready to Hit the Road?
Expert systems, programs that take the rules a person uses to solve a problem and encodes them into a computer, are starting to get serious examination from DOTs around the country. The...
CAD and the Corps
CAD has been a near standard feature of engineering design for the last decade, but the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has found that the way their installations have gone about designing...
Water Management Under Drought Conditions an Overview of Practices by Federal Agencies
The management of water resources under drought conditions is a diverse topic which has received added emphasis recently as a result of prolonged droughts in parts of the United States....
The Use of Sophisticated Three-Dimensional Numerical Models in Weather Modification Efforts
Understanding of the complex interactions between the mesoscale and cloud environment and between microphysical and dynamical processes within clouds can be substantially increased with...
The Present Status of Precipitation Enhancement by Cloud Seeding
Atmospheric water in the form of precipitation, is one of the primary sources of fresh water in the world. However, a large amount of water present in clouds never gets transformed into...
Summary Conclusions & Recommendations of the 1991 Washington State Ports and Transportation Systems
Since 1975, the Washington Public Ports Association and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) have conducted periodic performance assessments of the state's ports, waterways,...
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