Reliability-Based Specification of Design Load-Effect for Penetrating Fragments and Debris
This paper presents the derivation and application of a simplified reliability-based approach for selecting design fragments/debris particles for use in protective design. Using this approach,...

A Two-Stage Safety Assessment Methodology for Construction Activities
The control of construction activities requires the evaluation of the condition of the control attributes of interest. In order to develop the required methodology, a model of the construction...

Numerical Solution of the Transient Fokker-Planck Equation: The Movie
The finite element method is applied to the solution of the transient Fokker-Planck equation for several nonlinear dynamical systems in R2, giving...

Risk Based Optimal Fatigue Testing
Optimal fatigue life testing of materials is considered. Based on minimization of the total expected costs of a mechanical component a strategy is suggested to determine the optimal stress...

Time-Variant System Reliability Analysis Using Response Surface Methodology and Fast Integration
An approximate method is presented to solve the structural reliability problem of complex structural systems subjected to time-variant loads where the parameters of the structural system...

First-Excursion Probability of Uncertain Structures
The first-order reliability method (FORM) is used to estimate the first-excursion probability of uncertain structures subjected to deterministic dynamic loads. An algorithm is developed...

Risk Based Structural Optimization
Risk based structural optimization problems for structural systems are formulated on basis of a so-called risk index. The risk index is defined as a consequence modified reliability index...

Markov Decision Processes in Structural Optimization
Initial structural design and its associated inspection and maintenance policies are modelled as a Markov Decision Process. This approach attempts to realistically capture the dynamics...

Reliability-Based Optimization Using Sequential Quadratic Programming
This paper proposes a method for reliability-based optimization of large structures using the Stochastic Finite Element Method, including both component and system reliabilities. In SFEM,...

Optimal Configuration for Fiber Reinforced Composites under Uncertainties of Material Properties and Loadings
Fiber reinforced composite structures could be designed by selecting proper fiber orientation in structures to suit specified desires for strength, stiffness or other mechanical properties....

Structural System Design under Uncertainty Via Pareto Optimization
Structural systems are generally designed under safety, serviceability and economy requirements. The single objective optimal design problem of both deterministic and nondeterministic...

An Exact Expression for the Distribution of Linear Combinations of Uniform Random Variables
Structural dynamic analysis have often in the past relied on the assumption that the system under consideration is well known ahd have been associated the unpredictability of the response...

Reliability Analysis of Plates with Initial Deflection by Entropy Model
Reliability analysis of postbuckling strength is discussed on rectangular plates with initial deflections whose statistical mechanism is estimated by the maximum entropy criteria. Assuming...

Critical Buckling Load Statistics of an Uncertain Column
The objective of this paper is to examine the statistics of the buckling load of a column with uncertain material properties. The elastic modulus is assumed to be a random process that...

Pre-Test Selection of Static Force and Displacement Measurement Locations for Damage Assessment
An incomplete set of static force and displacement measurements are used for parameter identification of linear elastic structures at the element level. Measurement locations and the level...

Parameter Estimation in Complex Linear Structures
We present a new parameter estimation method which simultaneously computes element constitutive parameters and unmeasured displacements of finite element models from measured static responses....

Bridge Overloading Criteria
Considerable concern is being expressed by the public and government agencies over the deteriorating state of the country's infrastructure. At the same time, there is a general feedling...

A Multiple Presence Load Model for Bridges
This paper utilises weigh-in-motion data to simulate multi-lane traffic crossing short span multiple-lane bridges. In this manner the reduction factors for a multiple lane bridge are derived....

On the Fatigue Loading for Local Components
Fatigue provisions in the North American Codes for design of highway bridges may not be applicable to the design of local components which are subjected to high axle overloads and dynamic...

Live Load Models Based on WIM Data
The objective of the paper is to present the results of weigh-in-motion (WIM) measurements carried out in Michigan. Selected bridges were instrumented and truck weights and axle configurations...





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