Water Control Structure Choice for Wetland Restoration/Creation
Ducks Unlimited is a non-profit conservation organization, whose mission is to fulfil the annual life cycle needs of North American waterfowl by protecting, enhancing, restoring, and managing,...

Discharge Measurements and Predictions in Wetlands
Existing procedures used to estimate discharge in wetland environments are evaluated. Suggestions are made for possible improved methodologies based on field investigation. Suggestions...

Statistical Distributions and Natural Hydrograph
For design projects in the water resources area, a hydrograph is commonly used to determine the flood volume generated by a given drainage basin. The division of total flow into direct...

White River Fish Screen Project?Hydraulic Modeling
In 1983, Puget Sound Power and Light Company (Puget Power) proposed in a license application to FERC for the overall White River Project replacement of the existing fish screens constructed...

Engineering Features of the Red Bluff Research Pumping Plant
In 1995, the construction of the Red Bluff Research Pumping Plant (RBRPP) was completed. The pumping plant is a research facility for evaluating the biological/engineering features of...

Depth-Averaged Boussinesq Equations Applied to Flow in a Converging Channel
Supereritical flow in a contracting channel is simulated by numerically solving the 2D depth-averaged Boussinesq equations using a fmite-difference model DASH (Molls and Chaudhry 1995,...

Southern San Joaquin Drainage Water Management
This paper addresses management of subsurface saline drainage water in a closed basin in the Southern San Joaquin Valley. A large number of ponds have been constructed to evaporate saline...

Westlake Farms Demonstration Wetlands A Cooperative Effort
This paper describes the process for establishing a wetlands complex to evaluate environmental issues that could not be answered without the operation of a large demonstration project....

Drainage Ponds and Demonstration Wetlands
In California's southern San Joaquin Valley, subsurface irrigation drainage pumped into shallow evaporation ponds often contains elevated concentrations of selenium. The selenium...

Agroforestry as a Method of Salt and Selenium Management on Irrigated Land in the San Joaquin Valley
Since 1985, several San Joaquin Valley growers, with the support of State and federal agencies, have attempted to manage salt and selenium using agroforestry. Numerous studies and research...

Economic Incentives Encourage Improvements In Farm-Level Water Management Practices
The Broadview Water District has implemented economic incentive programs in recent years to encourage improvements in irrigation practices to reduce the volume of subsurface drain water...

Water Quality Improvement Program in Ventura County at Port Hueneme
Integrated resource planning (IRP) has been used successfully by several larger water utilities to resolve complex water supply issues. This paper describes the experience of a smaller...

Evaluation of Dormant Season Evapotranspiration
Water use during the dormant season is often considered to be insignificant in terms of the total water balance. Evapotranspiration was measured over three fields with different crop covers...

The Scour at Bridges Management Program in Rhode Island
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) has developed and implemented a comprehensive two-phase scour susceptibility program for screening and assessment of scour at bridges....

Bird Use of an Evaporation Basin and a Mitigation Wetland
A 58-ha freshwater wetland was constructed to mitigate for decreased avian reproductive success and survivorship caused by a 296-ha selenium contaminated evaporation basin. To decrease...

Feasibility of Modeling Phosphorus Dynamics in Stormwater Wetlands
This research, underway at the University of Guelphs School of Engineering, studies the feasibility of modeling phosphorus assimilative capacity by stormwater wetlands in cold climates....

Santa Ana River Salt Marsh Restoration: Orange County, California, U.S.A.
As part of the All-River Plan of the Santa Aria River, the 92 acre Santa Ana River Marsh (Marsh) was constructed at the Pacific Ocean outlet in Orange County, California. This project...

Design and Implementation of a Multi-Faceted Site Remediation
This technical paper presents a case history of the design, construction, and start-up of a multi-faceted site remediation system. The case history includes a description of the site background,...

Comparative Simulation of Oil Weathering
Oil spills in the aquatic environment, an unfortunately more and more common occurrence, cause contamination effects which negatively impact water quality, health of ecosystems and water...

Comparison of Methods for Sizing Secondary Treatment Filters for Wastewater
The trickling filter process in which a bacterial biomass is allowed to grow attached to a filter medium of rock or plastic is effectively used for removal of organic materials in domestic...





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