Port Layout Optimization for Large Bulk Carriers in a Strong Tidal Currents Site
To provide the sheltering conditions of Ponta da Madeira Terminal (TPM) in Sao Marcos Bay, in Sao Luis, Brasil, two rubble mound groins were designed and constructed according to hydraulic...

An Offshore Borehole Mining Experiment: Its Operational and Environmental Implications
The Continental Shelf Division of the Marine Minerals Technology Center (MMTC), conducted a miniborehole mining experiment offshore Georgia in June 1990. A remote placer drill developed...

A Study of the Impact of the Dumping of Spoil on Beach Processes
The amenity value of beaches along the North East coast of England is reduced because of the continuing practice of dumping colliery spoil directly onto the beaches for dispersal by the...

3-D Modelling of Suspended Sediment Transport
A three-dimensional finite difference model has been developed for the numerical simulation of the physical process of horizontal and vertical convection, horizontal and vertical diffusion...

Environmental Impact on Sepetiba Beach
This paper describes the erosive and sedimentary processes which have been causing damage to the most important beach on Sepetiba Bay in Brazil. Remote sensing techniques and data obtained...

Coastal Erosion in Ghana: Causes, Patterns, Research Needs and Possible Solutions
The pattern of coastal erosion in Ghana is described. The causes for spatial differences in the erosional rates on the shoreline are identified as coming from a combination of natural...

Coastal Dune Blowouts?Dynamics and Management Implications
New approaches to coastal dune management have been advocated recently, including dune grading and dune destabilization. A management concern in the case of destabilization involves the...

Ecological and Geomorphic Impact of the Destruction of a Coastal Sand Dune System in a Sand Spit
Two main effects of the destruction of the coastal dunes at the sand spit of Estero de Punta Banda, (B.C., Mexico) were studied comparing unaltered and altered adjacent zones, The amount...

A New Panama Canal?
Based upon the 1977 treaty between the United States and Panama and an exchange of diplomatic notes among Panama, Japan and United States, a trinational feasibility study is being conducted...

Review of Recent Coastal Research in the Soviet Union
Information about sediment suspension regularities, their distribution in the water column and ways of sediment transport is indispensible for the solution of ecological and sea culture...

Phased Engineering Development and Multiple Agency Review of Public Safety Issues
Several Santa Barbara County agencies have key engineering review responsibilities for new development. The magnitude of issues raised and the level of engineering review required for...

Basic Physical Models in Sediment Transport
Basic particle dynamics and cellular automata micromodels of clastic sediments are described and applications are illustrated in the areas of aeolian saltation, bedload transport, size...

Mechanics of Cohesionless Sediment Transport in Coastal Waters
Conceptual mechanics-based models for sediment transport processes in steady and unsteady turbulent boundary layer flows are derived and discussed. To the extent possible the predictions...

Moving Muds in the Marine Environment
Fine sediments with cohesive properties abound in the marine environment. We review idealized relationships that are useful in understanding flow behavior of important components of marine...

Long Wave Effects in Laboratory Studies of Cross-Shore Transport
A movable bed physical model study was conducted to investigate the influence of trapped low frequency energy on wave transformation and beach profile evolution. Using identical drive...

Sediment Transport in the Swash Due to Obliquely Incident Wind-Waves Modulated by Infragravity Waves
Swash is described by obliquely incident wind-waves superposed on, and interacting with, long standing waves. The wind waves of the inner surf zone are modulated in amplitude, wavenumber...

Infragravity Driven Suspended Sediment Transport in the Swash, Inner and Outer-Surf Zone
Nearbed suspended sediment concentration and velocity measurements from 3 field sites in the mid-outer surf zone (low energy), inner surf zone (high energy) and swash (high energy) are...

Effect of Long Waves to Local Sediment Transport Rate
When irregular waves travel to the shoreline, long wave component becomes important in the surf zone. In the surf zone, sands are transported by both wave motion and turbulence due to...

Critical Examination of Longshore Transport Rate Magnitude
Inconsistencies in the field data and predictions of longshore sediment transport (LST) rates associated with the CERC and Bagnold formulae are discussed. Practical errors in direct application...

Longshore Sand Transport Rate Distributions Measured in Lake Michigan
Cross-shore and vertical distributions of longshore sand transport in the nearshore zone were measured in a field data collection project conducted at Ludington, Michigan, on the east...





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