Implementation of the North Fraser Harbour Environmental Management Plan
Since 1913, The North Fraser Harbour Commission (NFHC) has been responsible for administering the Port of North Fraser. This responsibility is especially challenging because the port is...

Evolution (1980-1990) of Ammonia and Dissolved Oxygen in Guanabara Bay, RJ, Brazil
The UFRJ is located on an island of Guanabara Bay and the Institute of Biology has been developing systematic studies on the bay. A synthesis of these studies and their different methodologies...

Classification Based on Coliform Counts of Coastal Waters in Metropolitan Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro is a municipality with approximately 8.7 million inhabitants that produce about 470 tons of sewage per day, of which only 64 receive treatment or are released through a...

Microbial Quality of the Mussel Perna perna (Linne, 1758) Extracted from Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Guanabara bay is an estuarine complex in the state of Rio de Janeiro with 12 cities including Rio de Janeiro and Niteroi on its shores. It has a hidrographic basin of 4000 Km2...

A Comprehensive Project for the Venice Lagoon
The Venice Lagoon is undergoing a severe process of environmental decay, due to increasing pollution from urban, industrial and agricultural sources. A number of projects have been launched,...

Coordinated Management of Coastal Waters in the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut Region
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region II is currently funding three major water quality planning efforts for the coastal waters in the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut region....

Sediment Yield Location Maps
The West National Technical Center of the Soil Conservation Service is compiling a series of colored sediment yield location maps for the eleven western United States, as well as Alaska...

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Region IX Near Coastal Waters Program
The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Near Coastal Water Program began in 1985 when former Administrator Lee Thomas requested the development of the Near...

Permit Compliance Programs for Large Scale Development Projects
California Assembly Bill 3180 requires that the implementation of environmental mitigation measures be monitored for compliance during project development. Permit compliance programs for...

Onsite Compliance Programs for Major Oil and Gas Projects
Major oil and gas projects developed in Santa Barbara County are monitored for compliance with conditions of approval through various enforcement and compliance programs. the Resource...

Bedload Transport Measurement by Imaging of Tracers
A dyed-sand tracer technique is developed for investigation of bedload under laboratory oscillatory flows. Imaging of the tracer with high speed photography allows the creation of time...

Water Plan Deals Carson City a Good Hand?Carson City Revisited
The success of Carson City's new wastewater treatment plant is no surprise. It results from the City's Comprehensive Water Plan (CWP) for ultimate wastewater...

Evaluation of the City of Venice Urban Reuse Program
The City of Venice is located on the Gulf of Mexico in west central Florida. With a mild sub-tropical climate and coastal location, the small community is a prime target for rapid development....

Chemical Composition, Physical Properties and Off-Site Migration of Municipal Landfill Gas
A sampling program of headspace gas from four monitoring wells and of off-site migration at three property line sites was conducted as part of a remedial design of a municipal landfill....

Toxicity Bioassay Using Nitrifying Bacteria
Monitoring water quality by the use of toxicity bioassay was studied with respect to the interrelationship between nitrifying activities, ammonium and inorganic compounds. Differential...

Toxicity Bio-Assays, 5-Day BOD and Deja Vu
This article revisits some of the basic definitions of toxicity bioassays and 5-day BOD and questions the the precision of these measuements and the long duration of these tests....

Evaluation of In-Situ Bio-Denitrification for Nitrate Reduction in Groundwater
This paper examines the potential application of in-situ bio-dentrification as well as pertinent physical and biochemical factors that control the process to reduce nitrate in groundwater...

Remedial Planning for the Former EXPO 86 Site
This paper describes the site characterization and remedial action planning effort that is being undertaken at the former EXPO 86 site in downtown Vancouver, B.C. The 200 acre site on...

Nonpotable Reuse: Development of Water Quality Criteria for Shower Water Recycle
Shower wastewaters at a military installation have been characterized in terms of physical, chemical and microbiological parameters. Two treatment technologies, microfiltration and coagulation...

Adsorption of Lindane onto Whole Soil and Soil Organic Fractions
The work presented here investigated interactions of the subject pesticide with whole soil and select soil organic fractions and evaluated the commonly applied assumptions that adsorption...





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