AgriMet/Hydromet?Satellite Telemetry Meeting Water Management Challenges in the Pacific Northwest
In the hydropower-rich Pacific Northwest (approximately 70% of total regional load served), water resource agencies such as the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and the Bonneville...

A New Power Invention
Hydropower is the most natural form of energy generated in the World. It allows us to make use of our natural resources without pollution. It harnesses the basic fundamentals of nature...

Utilizing Wetlands for Stormwater Retention
The design steps an engineer uses to develop natural wetlands to provide flood control while continuing to retain their natural functions will be analyzed. This paper will include a discussion...

Assessment of Changes at Glen Canyon Dam
This paper describes the complexity associated with the assessment of financial impacts of proposed and actual short-term restrictions at Glen Canyon Dam. The reasons for these restrictions...

Columbia River System Operation Review
For many years hydroelectric power has been a surplus commodity in the Pacific Northwest. However, this picture has been changing rapidly in recent years. Increasing pressures for use...

An Improved Incremental Economic Dispatch Method for Hydroelectric Generators with Nonconvex Energy Production Cost Curves
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has undertaken a program to improve water resource management at its hydroelectric powerplants. One feature of the resource optimization program...

Natural Disaster Reduction Plan at FERC
At the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), natural disasters of concern are caused by three major natural hazards, i.e., floods, earthquake, and droughts. These three hazards...

Emergency Action Plans: A Need for Comprehensive Exercises
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) Guidelines for Preparation of Emergency Action Plans (EAP) require that licenses conduct periodic in-depth testing, or comprehensive...

Avoiding Vibration in Penstocks
One objective of this paper is to indicate the potential sources of pressure pulsations within a hydraulic conduit system and the range of forcing frequencies associated with these sources....

Vibration of Penstocks in Hydroelectric Installations
In many penstocks and pump discharge lines of turbines and pumps, pipe vibrations have been observed. Many of these installations have blade and vane arrangements other than the classic...

Some Unusual Vibrations in Hydro Machinery
Most hydro machinery engineers have read the textbook cases of self-exited and flow induced vibrations. Usually such textbook vibrations are only found in the text book! In the real world,...

History of Lysimeter Design and Use for Evapotranspiration Measurements
Lysimeters are devices for measuring percolation of water through soils and sampling soil water for chemical analyses. Lysimeters have been used for over 300 years to determine water use...

History of Lysimeter Design and Effects of Environmental Disturbances
A brief history of developments in lysimeter design is indicated. Disturbances introduced by the measurement system on the surrounding environment are discussed. The use of weighing lysimeters...

Lysimeter Use in Water Resources Research in China
The type, structure, development and application of lysimeter in China are reviewed in this paper. The construction and experimental observation of large non-weighing lysimeter in Ranzhuang...

Electronic Lysimetry for Hydrologic Studies
Purpose, definition and technology of lysimetry are in constant evolution. The flexure scale used here is a frictionless weighing machine, sturdy and precise. Electronics are necessary...

Lysimeter-based Water Balance Study in Japan
Research on the water balance of agricultural land has been conducted using lysimeters for various objectives in Japan since the 1950s. In this paper, research for two major objectives...

Lysimeter Use in Water Rights Determination
In the Western United States, a water right (the legal right to divert water from a stream) is a property right. The impact a water right has upon a stream is commonly defined through...

Precision Lysimetry in France
After a definition of the parameters to be measured, a possible reasoning is presented for the construction of a weighing lysimeter. A number of factors have to be taken in account: the...

Direct Load Cell-Based Weighing Lysimeter System
A low-cost weighing lysimeter system is described which is capable of measuring evapotranspiration with an accuracy of 0.05-0.10 mm. A two-lysimeter system with electronic data logger...

Water Balance Lysimetry at a Nuclear Waste Site
Lysimeters measure effects of soil, vegetation, and climate on water balance and groundwater recharge at a nuclear-waste site in arid-southcentral Washington State, USA. Data from 4 lysimeter...





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