Recommended Cold Regions Meteorological Instrumentation
For nearly 30 years, CRREL has studied environmental conditions in winter weather. These efforts have concentrated on providing field-measured meteorological data and historical climatological...

Procedure for Seismic Evaluation and Design of Small Bore Piping
Simplified methods for the seismic design for small bore piping in nuclear power plants have been used for many years. Various pipe designers have developed unique methods to treat the...

Introduction to Structural and Mechanical Failure Modes for Nuclear Power Facilities
The three papers presented in this section discuss the types of information (i.e., dynamic tests, earthquake experience and analytical data) which are used in predicting the capacity of...

Containment Capacity and Failure Modes Beyond Design Basis Conditions
Analytical and experimental studies have shown that containments can at least sustain two to three times design pressures. Under the severe accident overpressure loading, experimental...

Stabilized Fly Ash Cover for a Municipal Waste Landfill
The study reported herein and several recently related projects have been aimed at reducing the hydraulic conductivity of fly ash and physiochemically fixing any potential leachable metals....

Leachate Flow from an Experimental Fly Ash Landfill
Combustion of coal in large-scale utility boilers produces an ash by-product which is often stored in open landfills. An experimental fly ash landfill was constructed by Pennsylvania Power...

Low-Rise Shear Wall Failure Modes
A summary of the data that are available concerning the structural response of low-rise shear walls is presented. These data will be used to address two failure modes associated with shear...

Failure Modes of Flat Bottom Vertical Storage Tanks
Flat bottom vertical storage tanks are important components in essential nuclear power plant safety systems. Data on the seismic capacity and failure modes of such tanks have been identified,...

Multiple Event Considerations for Postclosure Seismic Hazard Evaluations at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Postclosure waste canister design requirements suggest the values used for seismic design have less than a 10% chance of being exceeded in a 1,000 year postclosure period. Considerably...

Weapons Test Seismic Investigations at Yucca Mountain
Yucca Mountain, located on and adjacent to the Nevada Test Site, is being characterized as part of an ongoing effort to identify a potential high-level nuclear waste repository. This site...

Migration Experiments at the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland
The Grimsel Migration Experiment is a multidisciplinary study aimed at testing models of solute transport in fractured media, determining the degree to which laboratory results could be...

Assessment of Fracture-Sampling Techniques for Laboratory Tests on Core
As part of the site characterization work to be done at Yucca Mountain in Nye County, Nevada, a candidate site for the first mined-geologic repository for high-level nuclear waste, laboratory...

A Probe Method for Measuring In Situ Rock Thermophysical Properties
The application of a thermal probe method for in situ thermophysical property measurement is analyzed. The REKA method (Rapid Evaluation of k and alpha) involves a single-borehole probe...

Nondestructive Testing Using Borehole and Surface Seismic Techniques to Evaluate Rock Mass Damage Zones
A suite of seismic tests was performed at the U12g tunnel at the Nevada Test Site. The methods include borehole (crosshole and downhole) and surface (Rayleigh wave and refraction) tests....

Dry Drilling and Coring Development for Unsaturated Zone Studies
Two areas of major difficulty associated with characterization of any unsaturated zone are the conventional drilling and coring processes used to acquire the samples. These processes are...

Field Investigations for Seismic Effects on Mechanical and Geohydrologic Response of Underground Structures in Jointed Rock
An exploratory Seismic Rock Mechanics research program has been initiated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission at the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA) to study...

Barometric Pumping of Contaminated Gases Through Fractured Permeable Media
Contaminated gases may be transported vertically through a fractured permeable medium by the breathing process which is associated with cyclical changes in the barometric pressure. A review...

An Electrochemical Approach to Predicting Corrosion Performance of Container Materials
The pitting potentials of nickel-rich Alloy 825 are measured in chloride-containing solutions at different temperatures and adjusted to different pH values. The pitting potentials were...

Activities Aimed at Qualification of a HLW Disposal Container
A container is being developed for the permanent disposal of used fuel from CANDU nuclear reactors in a deep underground disposal vault. The container is required to isolate the fuel from...

Mechanical Excavator Performance in Yucca Mountain Tuffs
A research effort of four phases is in progress at the Colorado School of Mines. The overall program will evaluate the cutability of welded tuff and other lithologies likely to be excavated...





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