Automated Manufacturing in Platform-Based Orbital Systems (APROPOS)
As an example of an orbital manufacturing scenario, an automated orbital manufacturing system is designed for the production of turbine blades for high pressure turbines. The target here...

An Introduction to Pressurized Volumes in Space
Space habitation designers come from diverse backgrounds. As it is human nature to emphasize that which is familiar, habitat design is strongly influenced by the designer's...

Commercial Launch Facility Economic factors
Launch facility construction, maintenance and modification costs remain a largely invisible part of the cost of putting mass into orbit. The government can lease launch facilities to commercial...

Artificial Gravity Research Facility Options
On a long duration manned mission to Mars, the physiological changes caused by microgravity may be counteracted by artificial gravity. This paper evaluates several different classes of...

Partial Gravity: Human Impacts on Facility Design
Partial gravity affects the body differently than earth gravity and microgravity environments. The main difference from earth gravity is human locomotion; while the main difference from...

Key Environmental Development Issues
Those in the business community who may be affected by environmental factors include: buyers and sellers of businesses, existing facilities, and real property; their lenders, brokers,...

The Spirit of Bandera?An Experiment in Inter-Agency Team-Building
An experiment to improve intergovernmental cooperation in water resources planning and management was initiated by the Southwestern Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in 1988 at Bandera,...

Considerations for a Multiple-Use Stormwater Detention Facility
A 60-year-old neighborhood provides the unusual setting for the City of Tulsa's Turner Park-Will Rogers High School Stormwater Detention Facility. The 20-acre site is located...

Using an Index Stream to Make Instream Flow Decisions
The paper discusses development of an Integrated Operating Plan (IOP) that uses an unregulated (natural) stream in the upper Cedar basin as an index of overall hydrologic status of the...

Key Environmental Development Issues
Environmental statutes dealing with the control of pollutants generally regulate precriptively, establishing both technical standards, relating to discharges and their effect on the environment,...

Eutrophication and Recurrent Hypoxia in the New York Bight: A Synthesis of Historical Data and a Numerical Model of the 1976 Anoxic Event
As a result of oceanographic programs conducted over the past four decades, a large historical data base is available, and has been used, to document areas of recurrent hypoxia and high...

Sons of Martha: Civil Engineering Readings in Modern Literature
These three stories excerpted from the new book Sons of Martha, compiled by Augustine J. Fredrich and published by ASCE as the first book in a new venture by the Publications Division, introduce the engineer...

On the Drawing Board
Reliable and quantitative nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods for construction materials of wood, concrete, masonry and structural steel are needed. NSF program director John Scalzi...

Drainage Manual for Clark County, Nevada
The development of a flood control district and its associated capital improvement and regulatory programs does not by itself address drainage standards for a community. While the capital...

Comparison of Design Rainfall Criteria for the Southwest
The design of drainage and flood control facilities or the management of floodplains for alluvial fans is extremely sensitive to the design rainfall criteria that is used as input to the...

Prediction of Debris Flow Prone Areas and Damage
It is very important when drawing hazard maps to estimate damage to houses from debris flow of certain fixed quantities. A debris flow disaster, which occurred in Kake Town, Hiroshima...

Design Storms and Sizing of Flood Control Facilities
Design stroms which embody the rainfall characteristics of an area are used for the sizing of drainage facilities. The selection of a design strom may significantly influence the design...

Decoverly Lake?Functional Hydraulics & Aesthetics
The Decoverly Office Park is located in Rockville, MD. In 1984, engineering design on the seven office building park and pond was begun by the consulting engineers. From the beginning,...

A Tale of Two Laboratories
Two unusual research centers are built with the materials that will be studied in them, but the similarities end there. GE Plastics' $10 million Living Environments concept...

Protection of Wood Designs in Adverse Environments
Engineers and architects are becoming increasingly aware of the risks of poor wood design practices and the benefits of using wood properly. This paper addresses biological factors that...





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