Design of Penstocks in Severe Earth Slide Locations
This paper deals with the problems of locating a penstock for a small hydroelectric plant at a site in Northern California that experiences considerable land movement during the rainy...

History of Lysimeter Design and Use for Evapotranspiration Measurements
Lysimeters are devices for measuring percolation of water through soils and sampling soil water for chemical analyses. Lysimeters have been used for over 300 years to determine water use...

History of Lysimeter Design and Effects of Environmental Disturbances
A brief history of developments in lysimeter design is indicated. Disturbances introduced by the measurement system on the surrounding environment are discussed. The use of weighing lysimeters...

Large, Monolithic, Weighing Lysimeters
Monolithic lysimeters preserve existing vegetation and soil properties that can be destroyed by excavation and filling. Site preparation for constructing large, monolithic lysimeters includes...

Electronic Lysimetry for Hydrologic Studies
Purpose, definition and technology of lysimetry are in constant evolution. The flexure scale used here is a frictionless weighing machine, sturdy and precise. Electronics are necessary...

Lysimeter Studies in Irrigated Soils of South Eastern Australia
The Riverine Plain of south eastern Australia is an extensive, predominantly clay soil area with large surface irrigation schemes. Early lysimeter installations were used to estimate evaporative...

Water Balance Lysimetry at a Nuclear Waste Site
Lysimeters measure effects of soil, vegetation, and climate on water balance and groundwater recharge at a nuclear-waste site in arid-southcentral Washington State, USA. Data from 4 lysimeter...

Small Lysimeters for Documenting Arid Site Water Balance
Small weighing lysimeters consisting of plastic pipes with lifting and drainage fittings were installed at the arid U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford Site in southcentral Washington...

Lysimeter Techniques and Application in India
Water is the most important resource and limiting factor for crop and industrial production in India, and agriculture is the largest consumer of water. The measurement of evapotranspiration...

Australian Lysimeter Studies of Field Evaporation
Evaporation data are summarised from separate lysimeter installations involving forest, crops and pastures along the 35?S parallel in south-eastern Australia. In each study, lysimeter...

Water Table Lysimeter Data Interpretation
Lysimeters were used to estimate seasonal water use of wet meadows and phreatophytes in northern Utah, southeast Idaho and southwest Wyoming (1983-1990). Twelve water table lysimeters...

Alfalfa ET Measurements with Drainage Lysimeters
Drainage lysimeters were used to measure alfalfa evapotranspiration (ET) under a line-gradient sprinkler system in the high-elevation desert conditions of northwest New Mexico. The lysimeters...

Lysimeters Versus Buffer Areas Et and Agronomic Comparisons
Evapotranspiration (Et) from lysimeters may not represent Et of undisturbed, surrounding sites because of factors related to water, soils, plants, and even animal life. Et and agronomic...

Percolation Lysimeters for Water Quality Sampling
A field method to measure, year-around, the quantity and quality of leachate under irrigated crops has been developed. A specific objective was to evaluate percolation lysimeters as tools...

Lysimeters to Study Soil Water Movement and Crop Water Use Under High Water Table Conditions
A system of 6 drainage lysimeters was constructed to conduct studies of water use and water movement in 3 different soils influenced by high water tables. The lysimeters were equipped...

Temporal Ion Balance Variation of an Irrigated Soil
The research was carried out in Southern Italy, from 1983 to 1988, using two gravity lysimeters irrigated with non saline water. The objective of this study was to test wether long-term...

Installation and Operation of Large Drainage Lysimeters on Grapes
Six large (3.05 m ? 3.66 m ? 1.83 m) drainage lysimeters were installed in 1984 in the middle of a 1.2 ha trickle irrigated experimental vineyard. Each was planted to two V. vinifera grapevines....

Use of Lysimeters to Monitor a Sanitary Landfill
A vadose zone monitoring program has been developed using basin lysimeters to evaluate the environmental impacts of a sanitary waste landfill. Lysimeter systems, consisting of collection...

Use of Lysimetric Measurements for Designing Major Irrigation Systems in the USSR
The bioclimatic method for calculation of crop water requirements has been widely used in the USSR in recent years. The author has analyzed the results of its application for designing...

Prefabricated Weighing Lysimeter for Remote Research Stations
After designing and constructing several precision scale system weighing lysimeters in Southern Europe and the Middle East, the need arose for a prefabricated 'turn-key'...





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