Stochastic Modeling of Short Fiber Reinforced Composites?A Review
Since the early 1960's, an extensive research and development has been carried out with fiber reinforced cements and concretes. Modeling of such heterogeneous material is still in the...

Risk Based Optimal Fatigue Testing
Optimal fatigue life testing of materials is considered. Based on minimization of the total expected costs of a mechanical component a strategy is suggested to determine the optimal stress...

Optimal Configuration for Fiber Reinforced Composites under Uncertainties of Material Properties and Loadings
Fiber reinforced composite structures could be designed by selecting proper fiber orientation in structures to suit specified desires for strength, stiffness or other mechanical properties....

Critical Buckling Load Statistics of an Uncertain Column
The objective of this paper is to examine the statistics of the buckling load of a column with uncertain material properties. The elastic modulus is assumed to be a random process that...

Hydrogeotechnical Considerations for the Disposal of Oil Shale Solid Waste Material
Laboratory tests and five large scale lysimeters (7.3?3.0?3.0 m deep) have been constructed to collect information and data on hydrogeotechnical factors which affect an oil shale solid...

Metrication of Construction?A Message to the American Society of Civil Engineers
The author discusses the reasons for metrication of the U.S. construction industry, describes the Canadian experience in this area, and outlines the necessary steps to alleviate the metrication...

Securing Strategic National Security Objectives Through Maritime Activities
The President's national security strategy envisions a healthy and growing economy, wise environmental stewardship and a strong military as part of his plan to meet and to fulfill the...

Analysis of Dredged Material Deposition Patterns
Between November 1, 1989 and 30 March, 1990, nearly 1 million cubic yards of dredged material were disposed in Puget Sound as the first phase (Element I) of the construction of the Navy's...

Dredged Material Placement Techniques?A Review of Its Past, Present and Future
Maintenance of ports and harbors requires considerable amount of dredging and this makes studies on dredged material disposal and placement technique particularly important. This paper...

Land Reclamation Design for the Port of Los Angeles' 2020 Plan
In order to meet future cargo demands the Ports of Los Angeles (POLA) and Long Beach in conjunction with the United States Army Corps of Engineers have conducted a long-range planning...

Minimizing the Risk and Impact of Tanker Accidents
The paper reviews the risks of bulk liquid spills from tankers and tanker barges during transport and transfer and discusses means of minimizing the risk of spills. The use of spill modelling...

Recycled Materials for Port Construction
The concept of utilizing recycled materials is presented. Types of materials which may be applicable are described, as well as, typical projects utilizing these materials....

Spatial Decision Support System for Toxic Spill Modeling in the Ohio River
Spatial decision support systems (SDSS) are hardware-software systems that incorporate spatial analysis and modeling in a workstation environment. The Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation...

Multiuser Sites for Contaminated Sediment Disposal
The Washington Department of Ecology (WDOE) recently adopted a program to identify, rank, and clean up contaminated sediment sites in Puget Sound. Site cleanup, in conjunction with dredging...

Interpreting Dredge Material Bioassay Data?COBIAA
Two types of sediment bioassays may be conducted in the regulatory evaluation of dredged material, toxicity tests and bioaccumulation tests. COBIAA (for the Consequences of Bioaccumulation...

An Overview: Wetland Restoration, Protection, and Establishment by Beneficially Using Dredged Material
Dredged material has been used beneficially by mankind for many years; in the past two decades it has purposely been used to restore and protect existing wetlands, and to establish new...

Groundwater Recovery Program for Southern California
Under its new Groundwater Recovery Program (GRP), The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California will improve regional water supply reliability by providing financial assistance...

Analytical Prediction of Gasoline Thickness on the Water Table
With the increased use of immiscible fluid products such as gasoline, the threats to groundwater resources by hydrocarbon products are increasing. The success of recovery of the hydrocarbon...

Applying the ARMOS and MOFAT Models to a Major Oil Spill
A study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of a crude oil pipeline rupture in the recharge area of the aquifer serving most of West Tennessee. The main challenge was to model the volume...

Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants
This manual, Design of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants, emphasizes contemporary design practices for municipal wastewater treatment plants...





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