Linear System Spectral Moments Determination
The stationary response of a linear system to random excitation is considered. A previously developed approach is extended to be applicable for the determination of both even and odd order...

Probabilistic Characteristics of a Sliding Structure Via New Stochastic Linearization Methods
New, non-classical stochastic linearization techniques are applied to solve the titled problem. Two alternative criteria, suggested by X. Zhang and I. Elishakoff, respectively, are evaluated....

Experimental Study of the Transient Temperature Distributions in Concrete
A small scale, preliminary experimental effort to quantify the randomness of the thermal diffusivity of concrete has been undertaken. Two sets of cylinders have been instrumented with...

Reliability Consideration in Shakedown Analysis
Shakedown analysis for ductile rigid frames has shown that a structure can respond linearly at a higher elastic limit after it has experienced some plastic deformation. If the residual...

Probability Model of Load Exceedances under Cyclic Loadings
A probability model for nonlinear load exceedances subjected to a Poisson process with reversible cyclic load pulses was developed and is presented in this paper. A reversible cyclic load...

Parameter Estimations of Structural Dynamic Systems
In this paper, time-domain methods for estimating the system parameters and the modal properties of linear structural dynamic systems are studied. The autoregressive and moving average...

Quantifying Uncertainty in Site Characterization
The uncertainties in determining the true geologic conditions at the proposed high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada needed to be determined as part of the Exploratory...

Evaluation of Expansive Clay Soils in Tucson, Arizona
Research was conducted to investigate the mineralogy, engineering properties, and regional distribution of expansive clay soils in Tucson, Arizona. Data derived from X-ray diffraction...

Geotechnical Database Manipulation to Effect Stochastic Analysis
Existing or easily-developed databases of regional geotechnical information can be used to estimate prior probability distributions and parameters for use in stochastic analyses. Prior...

Offshore Pile System Reliability
The existing design methodology for offshore pile foundations is evaluated relative to the ultimate performance of the foundation system using reliability techniques and data from three...

Critical Issues Related to a Combined Probabilistic Numerical Analysis of Contaminant Transport in Porous Media
Reliability algorithms provide attractive alternatives to Monte Carlo simulation and stochastic perturbation approaches for probabilistic analysis of contaminant transport in porous media....

A Criticism of Statistical Methods in Probabilistic Models in Structural Reliability
The usual statistical models, classical and Bayesian, are not well suited for problems of structural reliability, since here we have rarely as assumed for these models a sequence of identical...

Sensitivity Evaluation of Simulation Methods for Reliability Assessment
Commonly used reliability assessment methods include the first-order methods, second-order methods, and Monte Carlo simulation methods with or without variance reduction techniques. The...

High Order Statistics in Structural Reliability
The new simulation technique described in this paper attempts to avoid the significant amount of arbitrariness involved in the choice of the sampling distribution in the increasingly popular...

A Mathematical Tool Set for SORM Reliability Methods
FORM and SORM methods are used for approximating failure probabilities. Here an overview of the main mathematical results of SORM methods is given: Classification of asymptotic behavior,...

Experiences with Experimental Design Schemes for Failure Surface Estimation and Reliability
When using FORM and SORM to predict the probability of failure for a structural component a model for the failure function has to exist. For certain structural components a mechanical...

Earthquake Ground Motion Modeling with Stochastic Line Source
Principles of geophysics and stochastics are applied to develop an earthquake model, in which the earth medium is idealized as consisting of stratified elastic layers, responding to seismic...

Site-Dependence of Spatial Coherency
The spatial coherency of ground motion from nine dense arrays are analyzed to examine the site-dependence of spatial coherency. The spatial coherencies computed for arrays located on alluvium...

Response of Suspension and Deck Arch Bridges to Spatially Varying Ground Motion
Recent awareness of the spatial variation of earthquake ground motion has caused concern about the safety of large engineered structures under seismic excitation. The effects of spatially...

Stochastic Modelling of Strong Ground Motions for the Istanbul, Turkey Area from Seismic Data for the Surrounding Region
The ultimate goal of this research is to obtain simulations of earthquake ground motions for the Istanbul, Turkey region. A process of earthquake analysis developed by Ellis and Cakmak...





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