The Monitoring of Water Conservation Behavior and Attitudes in Southern California
Seldom are the effects of public information programs monitored and analyzed in a sound, systematic manner. Information on the impact of investments in public information programs is essential:...

Conflicts in Health and Safety Matters: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Constraints on time and resources influence the public sector as strongly as they influence our personal lives. Experience teaches us that our desires must be tempered by hard realities....

Moving Toward a Probability-Based Risk Analysis of the Benefits and Costs of Major Rehabilitation Projects
By the year 2010, 77% of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's projects will be over 40 years old. The Corps wants to allocate its scarce rehabilitation funds in a cost-effective manner. To...

An Innovative Institutional Arrangement Which Incorporates the Risk Preferences of Water Users
An innovative institutional arrangement that incorporates the risk preferences of water users is being refined in Australia. It is especially relevant for river and reservoir management...

Aversion to Epistemic Uncertainties in Rational Decision Making: Effects on Engineering Risk Management
When faced with epistemic uncertainties in a decision problem, subjective expected-utility theory (SEU) implies that the only relevant characteristic of these uncertainties is the mean...

On Deciding Between the Use of Engineering Standards and Risk Analysis
Risk analysis offers advantages for the optimal design and maintenance of infrastructure, but it is not always practical to apply due to the nature of certain types of infrastructure....

Methodology for Evaluating Dredged Material Alternatives Using Risk-Cost Analysis Under Uncertainty
A methodology and a case example was presented at the 1989 Conference on Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources, Santa Barbara, to perform risk-cost analysis for dredged material...

Optimal Flood Warning Threshold: A Case Study in Connellsville, Pennsylvania
A methodology for selecting an optimal flood-warning threshold has been developed by Haimes et al. (1990). The probabilistic evaluation of a forecast system coupled with a stochastic dynamic...

Maximum and Minimum Storage Trajectories That Meet Specific Risk Levels
One of Hydro-Quebec concerns is to operate its installations so as to satisfy the operating constraints. This paper describes a mathematical tool that enables the utility company to state...

System Engineering and Risk
System engineering means many things to many people, but there is a large group of practicing engineers in the defense and energy sectors who define system engineering as a structured...

Remediation Site Prioritization by the Risk Ranking and Filtering Method
The risk ranking and filtering (RRF) method, developed for ranking critical components of the NASA Space Shuttle, is a possible framework for the prioritization of hazardous-waste sites...

The Role of Risk Analysis in Feasibility Studies of Water Resources Projects
Many parameters involved in feasibility studies of water resources projects are inherently uncertain. Projections of these parameters based upon extension of past trends can be quite inaccurate....

The Use of Influence Diagrams in Risk Management Involving Multiple Stakeholders
In this paper, a new methodology is proposed that employs influence diagrams to integrate the issues that arise in risk management and to demonstrate the relationship amoung the stakeholders...

Optimal Allocation of Resources in Repair and Maintenance of Bridge Structures
The structural design process, examined in its entirety (and taking into account the uncertainty and randomness that characterize the governing parameters) is a decisional process, involving...

Linearisation and Offshore Fatigue Reliability
In determining the force effects due to wave action on offshore structures it is conventional to use an equivalent linearisation to convert wave velocities to forces via Morison's equation....

Reliability Analysis of Lunar Structures Under Meteoroid Impact
The United States is slowly moving towards lunar base, and possibly Mars base, activities. Design of structures for these bases requires knowledge about loadings and conditions which in...

Probabilistic Analysis of Post-Tensioned Steel Girder Bridges
External post-tensioning is used as a means of strengthening existing steel girder bridges. Since absolute safety of structures is impossible to attain due to uncertainty in load and resistance,...

Implementing Uncertainty Treatment in AI Development Environment
The seismic vulnerability of existing masonry buildings is investigated by an expert system prototype. Field inspectors have to provide answers which can be of a Boolean, fuzzy or probabilistic...

A Probabilistic Regional Damage Estimation Model for Earthquake Occurrences
In this paper we present a model for estimating regional earthquake damage. The model utilizes the relational data base management system ORACLE and the geographic information system ARC/INFO...

Fuzzy Measures in the Knowledge Based Diagnosis of Seismic Vulnerability of Masonry Buildings
Rules based expert systems and fuzzy logic have been employed to increase the speed and the reliability of the survey of masonry buildings, to forecast their seismic vulnerability....





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