Kinetic Interpretations of First Reactivity Experiments on Lunar Basalt Samples
For the first time, water/oxygen production from Apollo program lunar samples has been experimentally demonstrated. The experiments gave extremely encouraging results as all ilmenite was...

Oxygen Generation from Synthetic Moon Soil Using a Plasma Reactor
A series of experiments were performed to evaluate the potential for generating oxygen from silica powder, alumina powder and a synthetic moon soil powder. A non-transferred arc plasma...

Lunar Base Aspects for Biotechnology Industry
A lunar base can provide unique services to biotechnology research, development, and production. A lunar location as well as the vacuum environment can protect experiments from contamination...

Design Criteria for Lunar Construction Equipment
It is anticipated that lunar installations will, from the beginning, require moving and assembly of components and the use of lunar regolith as a construction material. The functional...

A Minimum Mars Mission Approach
The purpose of this paper is to identify the mission architecture required to perform a human exploration mission to Mars using a minimum amount of resources. This mission will send three...

Onboard Image Processing With Transputers
A transputer based onboard computer for planetary vehicles is being designed in the KFKI Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (RMKI), Budapest, Hungary. In this paper we...

A Surface Exploration Vehicle Testbed for Real-Time Control Exerimentation
Current mission scenarios for return to the moon as well as Mars include some robotic systems; for the precursor unmanned mission, these systems will be required to operate under autonomous...

Deepwater Waves and Tsunami Produced by the Impacts of Small Asteroids
Studies of ocean sediments may be used to determine when coastal areas have been hit by tsunamis in the past. Tsunami debris has been found to be associated with the Cretaceous-Tertiary...

A Space Suit for Productive and Safe Extravehicular Activity (EVA)
An innovative space suit called the Command/Control Pressure Suit (CCPS) is described in terms of productivity and safety. Conceived as a cockpit for Extravehicular Activity (EVA), the...

Very Low Frequency Radio Astronomy from Lunar Orbit
This paper discusses the use of very low frequency aperture synthesis as a probe of astrophysical phenomena. Specifically, the science achievable with the Lunar Observer Radio Astronomy...

The Lunar Ultraviolet Telescope Experiment (LUTE)
The Lunar Ultraviolet Telescope Experiment (LITE) is a feasible scientific payload which could initiate a unique ultraviolet (UV) sky survey from the lunar surface prior to our manned...

Future Launch Systems: The Policy Challenge
A review of the literature and discussions with military, commercial, and NASA representatives shows that all users agree we need new systems, but there is no agreement on which to pursue....

Space Commercialization: Problems of Law and Policy
This paper focuses on executive and legislative efforts to promote the growth of commercial space industries in the United States. After a discussion of the current, situation and efforts...

Synthetic Estimation of Development Cost of Satellite
An analysis and estimation of life cycle cost (LCC) is one of the important parts of a conceptual study or feasibility study on a satellite....

Debating Steel - Connection Design
The debate about responsibility for structural-steel-connection design is among the hottest engineering disputes of our generation. Meetings have been held on the subject, articles written...

Engineering R&D Strategy
Accurate data on the levels and focus of U.S. civil engineering-related R&D are important to establish a benchmark from which a knowledge base can be constructed; to highlight...

Design of Mat Foundation for Egg Shape Digesters
Two levels of ground motion, the Maximum Probable Earthquake and the Maximum Credible Earthquake, were considered in designing the 2.5 million gallon egg shape digesters and their combined...

Concrete Buildings in Regions of High Seismicity
Structural systems for multistory concrete buildings in regions of high seismicity are reviewed. The suitability and certain practical aspects of the systems are discussed. A Uniform Building...

Representation and Processing of Design Standards: a Bifurcation between Research and Practice
There have been attempts to develop representations of design standards and procedures for computing representations of the design standard on which computations are based. However, within...

Impediments to the Implementation of Seismic Isolation
There are over 400 civil engineering structures, worldwide, that have been constructed using the principles of seismic isolation, and 70 of these are in the United States. Although use...





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