Philadelphia-three ages of a city
On these pages are the profiles of the City of Brotherly Love in three eras. First come the founding years, and the story of why, though only half as old as Boston and New York, by 1750...

Sewering the City of New York
The establishment of a centralized sewerage agency in 1963 has enabled the development of a program to upgrade and augment New York City's sewer system to meet the vital life...

Kansas City Bank Tower Features Water-Filled Columns, Exposed Spandrels
In this first article in a series on recent innovations in structural steel design, the spotlight is on the 20-story Mercantile Bank Tower in Kansas City. This structure features several...

Pilot Plant Program�� Treatment of NYC Water Supply
Many cities with upland reservoirs as their source of water are now finding it necessary to filter the water. Population growth in the upland areas and more stringent standards are the...

The Three Ages of Philadelphia
Philadelphia was founded in 1682 when a shipload of 70 arrived with William Penn from England. Origins of this all-religious colony are described. Though a half-century younger than New...

The Story of America's Transportation Revolution
During the 200 years since the Declaration of Independence, the United States witnessed a revolution in transportation unprecedented in recorded history. For hundreds of years, man had...

Austin's 11-Mile Sewer Tunnel Reflects Sound Economic, Environmental Alternatives
An 11-mile long $20,000,000 concrete-lined continuous tunnel has just been completed across the City of Austin to serve as a sanitary sewer. Most of the tunnel is more than 100-ft (30.5-m)...

Washington Metro: Our National Model
The first segment of Washington D.C.'s rapid transit railway is now open. The system features a host of engineering innovations in the areas of aerial structures, tunneling,...

City's Topographic Mapping System Saves Time, Money and is More Accurate
The city of Elgin, Ill. purchased its own topographic mapping system called Topo-Plan. The system consists of an aerial photo base map plus a transparent overlay showing 2-ft (0.60-m)...

New Foundations in an Old Neighborhood
Sixty State Street is rising 38 stories from its deep foundation in a congested, historical site in urban Boston's business/government area. The foundation elements and the...

Los Angeles Pioneers Separate Busway
The San Bernardino Freeway Express Busway, a joint project of the Southern California Rapid Transit District and California Department of Transportation, is the nation's first...

Carpools: How Successful�
For a number of years, the Federal Highway Administration has been encouraging increased carpooling as one of the ways to increase the people- moving efficiency of urban highways. The...

Interstate Highway System
Eventually to cost nearly $90 billion, the Interstate Highway System will connect all U.S. cities of 50,000 and larger, eventually carry 25% of all highway traffic. The article traces...

Urban Freeways and Changing Social Values
One key reason for undertaking the $90 billion Interstate Highway System �even though the name may not so indicate? was traffic congestion in and near cities. The intercity segments of...

Competitive Alternative to Minority Quotas/Goals
The City of Chicago and contractors working in the city have taken a big step toward solving the affirmative-action problem. Many of the plans through which the Federal government has...

New York City's New Town
New York City has taken advantage of a little used island, Roosevelt Island, in the middle of the East River to build a unique residential new town. The large development is connected...

Britain's Stevenage: Pathway Pioneer
There's been a boom in bike sales. Many new towns feature bike and pedestrian pathways. Many Americans are concerned about their health because they get too little exercise....

OTA: Mixing Technology and National Goals
The need has developed for a broad multidisciplinary capability to assess technology, that is, to develop valid information about probable consequences, beneficial, harmful, or uncertain....

Transportation Facilities Workshop
Passenger, Freight and Parking
Proceedings of the Transportation Facilities Workshop, held at Carnegie-Mellon University, New York, New York, May 22-24, 1974. Sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers Urban...

Civil Engineering Education
Related to Engineering Practice and to the Nation's Needs
The primary emphasis is on programs and requirements for planning / design / construction / operation of facilities for transportation, water supply and control, environmental protection,...





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