Integrated Water Use Management
Recognizing the increasing frequency of water supply problems, and the fact that many of them cannot be solved solely within county or other political boundaries, an integrated water management...

Water Supply and Conservation in a Desert City
The city of Phoenix, a fast growing metropolitan area, set in the northern reaches of the Sonoran Desert, seems to have reached the limits of the western water frontier. Presently, Phoenix...

Who is the Public?
The old concept of applying to the state for a right to use water has changed as the availability of unappropriated water has disappeared. Today the emphasis is on acquiring a water right...

Diplomacy and International Environment Issues
This paper examines three current examples of the ongoing diplomatic efforts to deal with selected environmental and water issues that affect our bilateral relationships with Canada and...

Optimal Allocation of Water for Irrigation and Hydropower
This study examines how hypothetical changes in irrigation practices affect downstream hydropower sites. Dynamic programming and simulation techniques are coupled to determine optimal...

Empirical Methods in the Design of Ground-Water Quality Monitoring Strategies
Ground-water quality monitoring strategies are designed for environments ranging from the complex to the very simple. Complexity is characterized by socio-economic, public health, and...

The Development and Writing of the ASCE/EPRI Hydroelectric Guidelines
In the Spring of 1989, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) jointly published their Civil Engineering Guidelines for Planning...

Storage Reallocation in Hydropower Projects of North Georgia
Over the past 40 years, the Corps of Engineers has built nine multiple purpose storage projects in Georgia, with hydroelectric power production as a major purpose. Six of the projects...

Public Safety through Cooperation
This paper describes the present FERC dam safety compliance program. The program's philosophy and history, organization, and key elements as well as accomplishments are presented...

Evaluating Financial Performance of Public and Private Firms Involved in Hydropower Development
The extended abstract compares companies that have gone public and the authors' own company which is private. Included are five publicly, or formerly publicly traded companies...

FERC Licensing: The Water Resources Engineers Role
As a result of the Electric Consumers Protection Act (ECPA) of 1986, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is obligated to give equal consideration to non power uses of hydroelectric...

Coastal Zone '89
Coastal Zone '89 is the sixth in a series of multidisciplinary meetings on comprehensive coastal and ocean management. The papers included in this publication review technical...

Legal, Institutional, Financial and Environmental Aspects of Water Issues
The papers included in this publication were presented at the 1989 LIFE symposium and address the legal, institutional, financial and environmental aspects of water issues. These aspects...

The Asbestos Agenda
Asbestos abatement business has been booming for years. The industry, though, is not restricted only to firms which do the removal. Companies who provide training, sell supplies and develop...

Box Segmentals: Refining Design
Officials at the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), which has built more precast concrete segmental box girder bridges than any other state, say their troubles with that design...

Regulatory Impact Statements
This paper suggests the issue of regulatory impacts be addressed in a manner analogous to environmental impacts, using a timely, comprehensive methodology. By 'timely'...

Metro Project Implementation?The Early Stages
Metro (the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle) is a federation of governments in King County, Washington which is responsible for regional public transportation and waste water collection...

Does Ethical Engineering Practice Affect Creativity?
Creativity is not reserved for artists, scientists and dreamers! Engineers put creativity into practice every day. Creativity combined with our engineering and management skills accomplishes...

1990: Decade of Natural Disaster Reduction
The loss from natural disasters is extensive. Earthquakes, windstorms, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, and insect infestations have caused the deaths of nearly three...

A Hazardous Data Explosion
During the 1980s, public concern and government regulations have spawned the huge hazardous waste management industry. But the industry has opened a Pandora's box for site engineers, most...





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