Development of Effective Remediation Criteria
Clean-up criteria for remediation of hazardous waste sites take several forms. These vary from simple sensory parameters, e.g., visual evidence of contamination to specific numerical criteria...

The Ozone Layer: A Critical Analysis of the Management of Public Policy for Fluorocarbons
As environmental public policy becomes increasingly extensive it continues to have greater impact on the lives of each American. The management of the public policy formation process varies...

An Analysis of Modeling Techniques in Pollution Management of Natural Water Systems
This paper will focus on various models to demonstrate the difficulties with modeling techniques. The difficulty with developing a valid model for a system is explored through the study...

Noise Control Program for the Boston Harbor Project
A noise control engineering program has been instituted for the Boston Harbor project to make the facility virtually inaudible at the property line. The program integrates the noise mitigation...

Information Entropy and Environmental Engineering
Environmental engineering decisions are often made with limited information. In such cases it is useful to express uncertain quantities with a probability distribution. The use of information...

A New Graphic Technique for Reporting Soil Quality Analyses
Boston's Artery/Harbor Tunnel Project is currently the United States' largest highway construction project. One of its major issues is the disposal of an estimated...

The Effects of Hazardous Organic Pollutants on the Performance of Activated Sludge Systems
The effects of phthalate esters (diethyl phthalate and dimethyl phthalate) and phenols (2,4-dinitrophenol, 2,4-dimethylphenol and 4-nitrophenol) on the performance of a laboratory-scale...

Protecting a Sensitive Ecosystem Through Advanced Treatment at the Reno-Sparks Wastewater Treatment Facility
The requirements for high degrees of nutrient removal at the Reno-Sparks Wastewater Treatment Facility required employment of several cost-effective, innovative treatment process applications....

Products of Chloramination in Dilute Aqueous Solution
Chloride and nitrate formation was determined in the reaction of chlorine with ammonia in molar excess, in dilute aqueous solution. Nitrate was formed under all conditions investigated....

The Mission of the Corps of Engineers, South Pacific Division, in Hazardous/Toxic Waste (HTW)
This paper discusses the various roles and relationships that the South Pacific Division has for HTW activities within the division's four-state area (CA, AZ, NV, and UT)....

California Standards for Characterizing Contamination and Assessing Risk from Hazardous Waste Sites
The Toxic Substances Control Program (TSCP) of the Department of Health Services is responsible for managing California's hazardous waste program. A primary goal of TSCP is...

Ground Water Treatment System Using UV/H2O2 at Sacramento Army Depot
Ground water beneath the Sacramento Army Depot (SAAD) is being extracted and treated as part of a ground water remediation program. The extraction system is achieving contaminant capture...

Plume Management for Groundwater Remediation
Site-specific data for four sites were compiled to evaluate the effectiveness of pumping and treating contaminated groundwater and recharging the treated groundwater to the surficial aquifer....

Water, an Endangered Ecosystem; the Assessment of Chemical Pollution
The pervasive nature of water and its accessibility to mankind leaves it open to a variety of man-induced changes ranging from diversion of water flows to heavy metals pollution. The abuses...

Factors Affecting Dissolved Oxygen in Hydropower Reservoirs
Dissolved oxygen (DO) is becoming a significant issue for hydropower projects. This paper identifies some key factors that can help hydropower operators better understand the nature of...

Side Effect of the Cross-Flow Turbine: Improved Water Quality
The working principle of the Original Cross-Flow Turbine with draft tube demands air induced into the turbine housing to operate at high efficiency. Reoxygenation of water will occur,...

Mercury in Fish and Water in New Impoundments?A Review of the Literature
Evidence to date indicates that only one metal, mercury, systematically bioaccumulates to ecologically significant concentrations as a direct result of impoundment. This bioaccumulation...

Reviewing the Role of Hydropower in TVA Reservoir Operations
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has reviewed the long term operating priorities for its reservoir system to determine the appropriate role of water quality and recreation as compared...

Deflector Plate Turbine Aeration?Case Studies
Water quality requirements have become a focal point in recent re-licensing of hydroelectric projects. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has significantly increased the relevance...

Water Quality Sampling Under Preferential Flow Conditions
Shallow wells, porous cup samplers, and wick and gravity pan lysimeters were used to observe the movement of bromide applied to the surface of a grass covered field during a 23 day period....





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