Utility of Reliability Index for Structural Design
Relations between design results, such as configurations, and the reliability indices, in accordance with the Advanced First Order Second Moment (AFOSM) method, are numerically investigated...

Evaluation of Lifetime Risk of Structures?Recent Advances of Structural Reliability in Japan
The Task Committee on Structural Safety and Reliability of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers has made survey of recent advances in the field of structural reliability. Consequently,...

Risk Acceptance Criteria for Performance-Oriented Design Codes
A general basis for the determination of 'acceptable risks' needs to be established to facilitate the development of risk-based performance-oriented design Codes....

Present and Future Developments in Steel Design Codes
Steel structures design codes with load and resistance factors (or 'partial factors') which are based on first-order probabilistic concepts are now in use in...

LRFD for Engineered Wood Construction: ASCE Pre-Standard, Wood Industry Initiative
The structural wood community in the United States is in the process of developing a reliability-based consensus Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) standard for engineered wood construction....

Reliability Bases for Codes for Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
The American Concrete Institute Standard 318, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, has permitted the design of reinforced concrete structures in accordance with limit state...

Limit States Design in Masonry
This paper reviews some aspects of limit states design for masonry structures based primarily on experience with a new Canadian code. Steps in an advanced second order safety index analysis...

High Wiring Act
Prendergast describes a project to construct a 345 kV transmission line over 313 mi in southwestern New Mexico, in which, due to environmental considerations and limited access, extensive...

A Doubling Design: Rochester's Expanding Airport
Few projects offer greater design challenges or pose more critical construction complexities than a new air passenger terminal, especially when that new terminal must be built on land...

Structural Safety and Reliability
This proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR '89) held on August 7-11, 1989 in San Francisco, California contains almost...

Museum Showcases the Future
On May 4 in Philadelphia, the Franklin Institute's new wing, called the Futures Center, will open to the public. When the institute's neoclassic main buiding...

Exploratory Shaft Facility
This paper is an overview of engineering and concept development for the Exploratory Shaft Facility (ESF) of the Yucca Mountain Project. The paper presents a general description of the...

Rock Mechanics Aspects of the ESF Design
Selected aspects of the ESF rock mechanics design are outlined with emphasis placed on specific requirements imposed on the design process conducted within quality assurance-controlled...

Preliminary Methodology for Design of Stable Drifts for the Yucca Mountain Project
The Yucca Mountain Project is investigating the feasibility of locating a high-level radioactive nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The conceptual design of the repository...

Public Involvement: Keystone to Public Confidence in the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program
The barriers to public confidence in the safety of high level radioactive waste facilities can only be overcome by encouraging meaningful participation by the public in the decisionmaking...

Public Communication and Participation Activities in Siting Controversial Facilities in the United States and Western Europe: An Examination of Lessons Learned
The authors of this paper conducted a comprehensive review of literature discussing the siting of controversial facilities in the United States and Western Europe in order to identify...

Infill Sampling Design for Geologic Site Characterization of Potential High-Level Radioactive Waste Repositories
Geologic site characterization is fundamental to the selection and design of a high-level radioactive waste repository. Yet, to date, the simple question 'how many samples...

Facility Interface Capability Assessment (FICA) Project
The U.S. Department of Energy-Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (DOE-OCRWM) is sponsoring the Facility Interface Capability Assessment Project to determine current and potential...

Hedonic Price Theory: Concept and Applications
Direct and indirect techniques are being used to estimate economic consequences of proximity to existing or proposed public facilities. The hedonic price theory, an indirect technique,...

Case System and Ancillary Equipment Maintenance
Per-shipment activities, incidental maintenance, repair, and routine maintenance for Federal Waste Management System (FWMS) casks and ancillary equipment and responsibility for those activities...





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