Design Load Combination Factors
This paper reviews alternative load combination formats for ultimate limit states in codified structural design. The need for explicit consideration of load-time variations and random...

Electric Utility Noise Emissions
Environmental regulations require that impact statements for new electric utility and industrial power plants include an evaluation of noise emissions. Variations in equipment sound power...

SRC Elevated Station Structures for New Bullet Trains
SRC Steelframe reinforced concrete structures were utilized on several station buildings for the Japanese National Railways bullet trains. This paper presents an outline of the dimensions...

Recent Developments in Mixed Steel-Concrete Systems
Mixed steel-concrete systems have emerged into a well established new system that can be used as readily as either steel or concrete systems for high-rise buildings. Mixed systems offer...

Design of Framed Steel Structures with Infill Reinforced Concrete Walls
It is a well-known fact that an infill shear wall in a frame acts as a compressive diagonal strut, giving strength and inflexibility to the frame. Recently the Architectural Institute...

Seismic Capacity Evaluation of SRC Buildings
The Japanese standard for seismic capacity evaluation of existing composite steel and reinforced concrete (SRC) buildings was introduced. As it developed, based on the previously established...

Electrically Fired Incinerator System for Combustible Radioactive Waste
DuPont Company and Shirco, Inc. are developing a process to incinerate plutonium-contaminated combustible waste in an electrically fired incineration system. Preliminary development was...

Structural Safety Studies
Structural engineers are most concerned with the safety aspect of structures. The primary objective of structural engineers is to produce structures which are satisfactory in meeting certain...

Transition in the Nuclear Industry
Significant changes have occurred within the utility industry within the past 10 years. Projected growth in electric power demand has not materialized. Nuclear power plants, with long...

Staggered Truss Adapted to High Rise
The 34-floor Nashville Convention Center Hotel required a structural system that would overcome the tendency to vibrate in the wind. The solution was a modified staggered frame truss,...

Bath County Pumped Storage
The Bath County Hydroelectric Pumped Storage Project provides 2,100 Mw of peak power to Virginia Electric & Power Co. and Allegheny Power Co. Called a bargain at $1.6 billion,...

KEMCOR?A Chemical and Corrosion Resistant Piping System
KEMCOR is a new underground composite pipe system designed for chemical process use in such industries which require a high degree of corrosion resistance to varying concentrations and...

Overview of EPRI'S Solid Waste Environmental Studies
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) initiated a comprehensive research project in 1983 with the long-term goal of improving and validating methods for predicting the fate of chemicals...

Microcomputer Control for a Small Hydroelectric Peaking Plant
Peaking plants pose a special problem for control. The new facilities are generally a very small part of a large system. Determination of the parameters necessary to run the plant to best...

Economics of Hydrothermal Power Development
The overall performance of a hydrothermal power plant with pumped storage is more cost effective than its competitive counterparts such as oil and gas turbine-generators. The operation...

Seasonal Hydrothermal Operating Plans
An interactive computer model is presented which provides graphical displays of alternative generation patterns for an integrated hydroelectric and thermal system. The method for analyzing...

Laboratory Studies for the J. H. Campbell, Unit No. 3, Cooling Water Intake Design
A three-year study sponsored by the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation was conducted to determine the overall efficiency of a full-scale angled screen demonstration facility...

The Birmingham, England, Airport Maglev Transit Link
This paper outlines the principal design and operating features of the world's first magnetically-levitated transit link which went into public service at Birmingham Airport...

Safety Aspects of Detroit DPM Station Designs
The Detroit Downtown People Mover (DDPM), currently under construction in the Central Business District of downtown Detroit, offered a unique set of challenges to the architects and engineers...

A New Alternative in Steel Construction?Partially Restrained Connections
Lack of formal training in methods as well as the lack of specific guidelines have limited the understanding and utilization of semi-rigid connection technology. A renewed interest in...





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