Permit Enforcement, The Achilles Heel of Coastal Protection: Strategies for Effective Coastal Regulation
In 1976, the California State Legislature passed the California Coastal Act, one of the strongest pieces of environmental protection and land use control legislation in the nation for...

Partnerships Strengthen Watershed Management
In reaching across political and institutional boundaries to manage nonpoint source (nps) programs, agencies are recognizing the need for strong communication, coordination and planning....

Beach Morphology Analysis Package (BMAP)
This paper describes a newly developed personal computer software analysis package called BMAP, which stands for 'Beach Morphology Analysis Package.' The BMAP is an integrated set of beach...

Shoreline Erosional/Depositional Patterns in Oman
This paper presents a brief synopsis of the physical setting and geomorphology of the Oman coast, emphasizing the areas with the most dramatic erosional/depositional eyeless. Eighty-three...

Coastal Processes on the Wai-San-Ding Barrier of Taiwan STrait, R.O.C.
The coastal line processes on the Wan-San-Ding Barrier is discussed in this paper since 1900. The wave energy along this coast is computed from the measured wave by considering the refraction...

Tidally-Induced Sediment Transport on the Amazon Prodelta
A study of boundary-layer processes on the Amazon River prodelta region was conducted as part of the Amazon Shelf Sediment Study (AmasSeds). Over a 2-week period during the time of high...

A Cooperative Coastal Data Collection Program in Washington State
The Washington State Department of Ecology and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have initiated a cooperative agreement for the joint management and funding of the Washington Coastal Data...

A Classification of the Coastal Dunes of Louisiana
The aeolian deposits of the barrier coastlines of Louisiana to the west of the active delta of the Mississippi have been studied intensively for almost 20 years. The dunes, dune terraces...

A Man-Machine Partnership for Map Production: An Application of Image Classification and Auto-Vectorization in Charting Coastlines
The semi-automatic production of coastal area maps through computer processed digital images is described. Two sources of digital imagery were addressed: satellite and aircraft mounted...

A Method for Classifying Land Loss by Geomorphology and Process
There is great debate as to the causes of land loss in Louisiana and the restoration/preservation solutions that should be implemented. Much of the controversy can be attributed to a lack...

Bank Erosion at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
The Aransas National Wildlife Refuge has been experiencing problems with the erosion along the banks of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. In order to prevent future erosion it is necessary...

Berm Placement Planning Study at Breton Island, Louisiana
This paper identifies tools that are being utilized to determine the most environmentally beneficial location for a nearshore berm to be constructed at Breton Island, Louisiana. The computer...

From Planning to Construction in Coastal Louisiana (With a Cast of Thousands)
In light of the 25 square mile loss of coastal wetlands in Louisiana, the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act mandates that a interagency Task Force develop a comprehensive...

Dauphin Island, Alabama Beaches: Real Decisions in the Real World
The beaches are important present-day concerns at Dauphin Island, Alabama. Several steps have recently been taken to address beach management problems. One, a group of local, state, and...

Coastal Zone Management in Mexico: The Baja California Experience
The coastline of Baja California contains a variety of features to include sea cliffs of varying heights, beaches, barrier beaches, spits, tombolos, mud flats, salt flats, sand dunes,...

Man on the Black Sea Coast
The studies of sea coasts have been attracting considerable interest of scientists working on various theoretical and practical problems. This particular zone has been a long-standing...

Transformation of the Black Sea Coast and Shelf by Wave Erosion in Pliocene-Pleistocene
Theory of transformation of coast and shelf of the ancient and modern seas by waves is presented. It allows to work out a scheme of adjoining land and shelf evolution on the basis of basin...

Artificial Gravel Beaches in the Coastal Protection
Gravel beaches on the Caucasian Black Sea coast are intensively eroded mainly because of man meddling in natural course of coastal processes (sediment withdrawal from beaches and river...

Ecology of Gelendzhik Bay
Natural conditions of Gelendzhik bay and process of its ecological degradation during last year are described in this paper. The main flow of pollutants enters form the city and vineyards...

Scientific Basis of Regulation of Coastal Processes (Case Study: Coast of the Black Sea)
SIA Saknapirdatsva experience in creation of gravel beaches for the coast protection from wave erosion is generalized in this paper. A conclusion has been made that the most expedient...





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