Sonic NDT for Infrastructure Assessment
Sonic Nondestructive Testing (NDT) techniques are valuable tools for assessing infrastructure. Relatively recent innovations in the field can reveal the internal conditions of concrete...

Barriers for Innovation and Technology Transfer in the Public Works Infrastructure R&D
Utilization of technologies and innovation to revitalize America's public works infrastructure is beset with barriers. Some critical barriers, identified through literature review and...

Using Condition Indexes to Evaluate Local Railroad Track Networks
The U.S. Army Construction Engineering Laboratories (USACERL) have developed condition indexes for assessing track condition that apply to local railroads. Indexes were developed for the...

An Integrated Design/Construction Research Program for Infrastructure Rehabilitation
The quality of America's infrastructure today is barely adequate to fulfill current requirements, and sufficient to meet the demands of future economic growth and development. This serious...

Patterns in the History of the Urban Infrastructure
Infrastructure construction has been marked not only by a cyclical funding pattern but also by occasional shifts in regard to government level of provision. That is, while some infrastructure...

Comparison of Aqueduct Reconstruction & Tunneling
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) is proposing to provide redundancy for the Hultman Aqueduct which transports water over a distance of roughly 27 km. (16.9 mi.) into...

Infrastructure Repair with Polymer Composite Using Recycled Plastics
Recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate), PET, mainly recovered from plastic beverage bottles, can be used to produce unsaturated polyester resins. Polymer concrete (PC) made with these resins...

MIS for Implementing Multi Project Programs
The successful implementation of large or small capital improvement programs must include more than the management of schedule and cost. An effective Program Management Team must be concerned...

Infrastructure Planning for Private Sector Investment
To minimize the use of public resources for infrastructure development, major works are being initiated in Latin America with studies designed to attract capital investment from the private...

Risk Analysis of the Financial Viability of the New Denver Airport
A risk analysis of the financial viability of the New Denver International Airport, conducted for the U.S. General Accounting Office, showed it highly unlikely that the new airport would...

Uncertainty in Infrastructure Management
The difference between committed costs and actual expenditure is a margin of control in project management. By using a measure of uncertainty we construct a cost-risk evaluation framework...

Digital Imaging as a Design Tool
On most engineering projects, schematic drawings offer a technical representation of a structure to clients. For staff or the public who are not technically knowledgeable, though, schematics...

Treating Uncertainty in the Design of Horizontal Curves
A model based on expected total cost minimization approach is developed for determining optimal horizontal curvature for highway sections. Expected total cost is defined as the sum of...

Risk Analysis Methodology for Life Cycle Benefit Analysis of Innovative Construction Technologies
The adoption of new construction technologies into practice moves very slowly since participants in the construction processes are extremely risk adverse. Innovation barriers are characterized...

Case Study of Electronic Toll Collection in the Central Artery/Tunnel Project?Boston
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issues involved in incorporating new technology, specifically electronic toll collection into a large, long-term construction project. The paper...

Use of Fuzzy Theory for Dealing with Uncertainty: Evaluating Alternatives Under Uncertainty
A method to deal with uncertainty which is associated with vagueness and ambiguity is presented. Fuzzy sets are introduced to account for vagueness in expression and fuzzy measure is introduced...

Experience in the Planning of High Speed Rail Lines: From Feasibility Studies to the Construction Project
For the construction of a new line for high speed traffic, a series of technical, commercial and economic studies must be carried out for each of the parts of the planning stage: the feasibility...

Establishing a HSGT System Organization
Most of the attention on High Speed Ground Transportation systems thus far has been devoted to their technological, financial and construction aspects, and this was understandable since...

The Pittsburgh Maglev Project
MAGLEV, Inc. is a public/private/labor partnership created in response to the ever growing need to provide new transportation solutions to the escalating problem of highway and airport...

Potential Statewide Impacts of Florida's Proposed High Speed Rail System
This paper presents a summary of the findings from an analysis of the potential statewide impacts resulting from the construction and operation of a high speed intercity rail system in...





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