Dynamic Tests of LNG Storage Tanks for Earthquake Analysis of Liquid-Tank-Pile-Soil Interaction
This paper presents a field test procedure for determining the dynamic properties of large liquid natural gas (LNG) storage tanks under operating conditions. Two methods of vibratory excitation...

Cyclic Energy Absorption by Reinforced Concrete
Results are presented on the basis of experiments conducted on conventional and steel fibrous reinforced concrete beams. The effects of the amount and nature of steel reinforcement and...

Significance of Nonlinear Modeling of R/C Columns to Seismic Response
Columns in reinforced concrete (R/C) structures exhibit complex hysteretic behavior during earthquakes. This can significantly influence predictions of overall response and damage distribution....

Earthquake Analysis of Liquid Storage Tanks
In the design of modern liquid storage tanks, it is of technical importance to examine their safety against earthquake damage. The methodologies used in design do not account for the major...

Response of the San Juan Bautista 156/101 Bridge to the 1979 Coyote Lake Earthquake
Strong-motion accelerograms are used to examine the response of a multiple-span highway bridge to earthquake loading. Estimates of modal frequencies and damping values for the first two...

Full Scale Tests of Cladding Components
A full scale, six story, steel frame at the Building Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan was constructed for a series of projects in the U. S. -Japan Cooperative Research Program. This...

Green's Function Implementation for Pile Analysis
This paper describes the implementation of a new Green's function based on a layer stiffness approach in a boundary element analysis of harmonically loaded pile groups embedded...

Diffraction Forces on Axisymmetric Bodies
Use of a Green function satisfying the governing differential equation and all boundary conditions except those on the boundary of the structure yields an integral equation, when these...

Response of Embedded Foundations: A Hybrid Approach
A hybrid approach to study the dynamic through-the-soil coupling between adjacent foundations embedded in a uniform soil model when subjected to harmonic external forces and seismic excitation...

Modeling for Finite-Element Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis
The modeling for finite-element soil-structure interaction analysis for embedded structures is evaluated in an attempt to resolve the issue related to the elevation at which design ground...

Boundary Zone Superposition Method for Linear and Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Infinite Domain Problems
The method is applicable to problems where input loads are imposed from within the finite element model or to problems where disturbances outside the finite element model generate input...

On Analysis of Dynamic Structure/Media Interaction
A version of the Global-Local Finite Element Method (GLFEM) is applied to the analysis of soil-structure interaction under steady-state excitation. The soil medium is considered to be...

Marina Design and Environmental Concern
Research initiated by a Florida Cabinet Resolution of August 6, 1974, has generated two models for the evaluation of the impact of marina development on coastal waters. One, a complex...

Soil-Structure Interaction in Seismic Environments
Soil-structure interaction depends on the mass, stiffness and the damping of the structure as well as on the geometry and embedment of the foundation and on the properties of the soil....

Asphalt Pavement Modifiers
Modifiers or additives to asphalt concrete pavements are being researched or marketed by many major chemical firms. Modifiers or additives are used to stiffen the asphalt in hot weather...

Bugs and Carbon Make a PACT
At its Chambers Works in southern New Jersey, DuPont was ordered to sharply reduce the BOD load in the wastewater it discharged to the Delaware River. Out of this mandate came the PACT...

Pressuremeter Tests and Shoring Wall Design
Pressuremeter testing was used as an integral part in the design of the temporary tieback shoring wall for the Columbia Center office building in Seattle, Washington. Pressuremeter testing...

Implications of Soluble Microbial Products (SMP) Formation on Biofilm Reactor Performance
The objective of this study is to evaluate the implications of SMP formation for biofilm treatment. To do so, the extended steady-state model was applied to predict effluent concentrations...

The Optimization of Nitrification and Denitrification in Plug-Flow Activated Sludge Systems Treating Municipal Wastestreams
Most conventional plug-flow activated sludge plants experience nitrification, particularly during higher temperature conditions. Under these circumstances, additional power is required...

Recyclying of Dust from Electric Arc Funances�An Experimental Evaluation
Each year the electric arc steelmaking industry generates approximately 650,000 tons of dusts containing valuable metallic resources such as iron, zinc, lead, and chromium. EAF dust is...





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