Resonant Column Testing of Dynamic Rock Properties
Critical parameters for geophysical wave propagation studies are the dynamic elastic properties (shear and Young's moduli, and Poisson's ratio) and the intrinsic material damping of rocks....

Interaction Between Soil and a Rigid Foundation in a Layered Medium: A New Analytical Approach
This paper is concerned with derivation of the impedance matrix for the problem of interaction between soil and an embedded rigid foundation in a layered medium. As an approximation, the...

Dynamic Response Analysis of Pile Foundations by Using Variational Calculus
Various approaches have been developed for the frequency-domain dynamic response analysis. The one proposed by M. Novak (1974) is simplest of all and yet produces the results very close...

Flexible Plates for Control of Stress Distribution
Use of a flexible plate in minimization of soil reaction concentrations at the edge was analyzed. The analysis utilizes a solution for vertical vibrations of the circular flexible plate...

Experimental and Theoretical Dynamic Compliances of Foundations
An experimental study of the dynamic behavior of surface foundations on granular soils by centrifuge modeling is presented. The test method allows a direct measurement of the complex-valued...

Retrospect and Prospect: Micromechanics
In the mechanics community the term micromechanics is often used to identify scientific efforts in which certain overall macroscopic material response and failure modes are characterized...

Wave Propagation in Solids
The last fifty years have seen the development of a large number of application of the theory of wave propagation in solids to problems of interest to civil engineers. Most notable have...

A Hydraulic Study of Venous Valve Closure
The functions of the veins is to convey blood from the periphery to the heart. The distribution and transportation of blood between different parts of the body is regulated by a host of...

Mathematical Characterization of Fabric and Its Use in Mechanics of Geomaterials
Increased evidence of the influence of their discrete nature on the observed behavior of geomaterials has prompted a number of investigators to look at these materials at the microstructural...

The Effective Stress Path for Soil at High Pressure
The effect of increasing stiffness in the soil skeleton on the effective stress path in undrained triaxial compression tests is experimentally examined and found to not be significant....

Constitutive Equation for Granular Material by Hypoelasticity
Constitutive equations for soil based upon the incremental theory of hypoelasticity are proposed in this paper to account for the stress path dependency and dilatant behavior of soil....

The Microstructure of Hardened Cement Paste and Concrete
Concrete is a composite material created from a mixture of a binder (hardened portland cement paste) and a filler (fine and coarse aggregates). Like any other composite material the physical...

The Morphology and Dynamics of Natural and Laboratory Grain Flows
Artificially generated sand flows that display considerable similarity with field examples on eolian dunes allow documentation of the relationships between grainflow scales and the characteristics...

Random Response of Multicrystalline Structures
An approach to the probabilistic modelling and analysis of multicrystalline microfabricated beams is presented with application to micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). Random, textured...

Properties of Aggregate-Cement Interface for High Performance Concrete
An experimental study of the interfacial zone between aggregate and cement paste was undertaken. Various factors such as type of aggregate, treatment of aggregate surface, mixing process...

Mechanical Properties of High Performance Concretes
This paper presents some of the initial results of a 4-year research project on mechanical properties of high performance concretes with particular reference to highway applications. High...

Crushing Response of Energy Absorbing Composite Structure
A description of why and how composite structures crush and absorb energy is presented. The three primary crushing modes of composite structure (transverse shearing, lamina bending and...

Reduced Basis Technique for Nonlinear Vibrations of Composite Panels
A reduced basis technique and a computational procedure are developed for the nonlinear free vibrations of composite panels. The computational procedure can be conveniently divided into...

Experimental Investigation of Bending and Twisting Coupling in Thin-Walled Composite Beams
The behavior of a thin-walled ppen section composite material beam depends on the anisotropic mechanical properties of the panels that form the beam. A beam theory has been proposed for...

A Discussion of the Numerical Modeling of Sea Ice Ridging
Pressure ridging, is the failure mechanism of the Arctic pack ice in compression. The large-scale compressive strength of the ice pack is determined by the aggregate of ridge building...





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