Hydraulic Bridge Design for Movable Bed Conditions
This paper addresses the practical considerations of hydraulic design of a bridge under movable bed conditions. Hydraulic design tasks include pier and abutment scour calculations, design...

Alignment of Large Flood-Peaks on Arid Watersheds
Bridge and culvert design requires estimates for 25- to 100-year return period flood peaks (Q). Floodplain delineation calls for 500-year (Q500) estimates. Arid western flood series are...

Multiple Phenomena of Debris-Flow Processes: A Challenge for Hazard Assessments
Hazardous hydraulic processes associated with arid environments commonly repesent significant risks to the safety of the public. However, the public generally considers these risks to...

Runoff and Erosional Processes in an Arid Watershed
This paper reports the results of geomorphic, hydrologic, and hydraulic analyses that integrated a physical process computer model of rainfall/runoff processes with a geomorphic process/response...

Graphics Advances Aid Flood Engineers
In the last decade options have been suggested to the Log-Pearson III (LP3) computation for predicting design flood behavior in semi-arid conditions. Observations from an ongoing study...

The Sorry State of Flood Hydrology in the Arid Southwest
Flood hydrology for urban areas of the arid and semiarid Southwest is in a sorry state. It is based in large part on precomputer manual methods. The state-of-the-art should move into the...

Design Storms and Sizing of Flood Control Facilities
Design stroms which embody the rainfall characteristics of an area are used for the sizing of drainage facilities. The selection of a design strom may significantly influence the design...

A Value Engineering/Risk Analysis Approach to Operation and Maintenance of Hydraulic Structures
Value engineering is an objective, systematic method for minimizing cost of a system. Risk analysis is a method of quantifying uncertainties or probabilities of possible economic loss,...

Field and Model Studies of Ocean Outfalls
Field and laboratory studies of the behavior of wastewater discharged from the San Francisco ocean outfall are reported. Wastefield behavior was predicted by the mathematical models RSB...

Flow Distribution in Multiple Channels with Partial Ice Coverage
It is not uncommon for rivers to have multiple channels. The distribution of the total flow to the individual channels depends on their relative hydraulic characteristics of depth, width...

Modeling of Surface Vortices in Unsteady Flow
Hydraulic model studies of lock filling and emptying systems include investigating vortex tendencies at the intake vincinity during filling. The flow at the intake vicinity is unsteady...

Physical Modeling Study of the Niagara River Plume
A rotating laboratory facility is used to study the dynamics of the Niagara River discharge into Lake Ontario. The current tests are limits to buoyant discharge conditions, which occur...

Example of the Stable Channel Design Approach
This paper shows an example application of a new method being packaged by the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station to aid in the design of stable flood-control channels. A stable...

Environmental Design of Channels?Can It Be Done?
The importance of environmental features to channel design is generally accepted and procedures for incorporating environmental features into flood control channel design have been developed....

Stable Channel Analytical Design Method
The Flood-Control Channels Research Program is being conducted at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station to develop systematic methods for design of stable channels for small...

Failure Modeling of Hydraulic Systems
Techniques of survival analysis are investigated for modeling the failure of hydraulic systems. The Proportional Hazards Model has the advantage of being able to separate the effects on...

Optimal Design of Highway Drainage Structures
Hydraulic design of a bridge or culvert using a risk-based approach is to choose among the alternatives the one associated with the least total expected cost. In this paper, the risk-based...

Conservativeness in Hydraulic Engineering Studies
Hydraulic engineers routinely make a variety of assumptions during the course of a study. Assumptions, once made, usually become incorporated into the fabric of the study and are seldom...

Design and Construction of Soil-Cement Drop Structures
Soil-cement has been used as an effective and economical slope protection material for embankment dams and stream banks. This paper describes the use of soil-cement in the construction...

Evaluation of the ARS Low Drop Grade Control Structure
The ARS low drop grade control structure was developed by Little and Murphy to provide efficient energy dissipation and effective grade control for streams in northern Mississippi. The...





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