Land Disposal Restrictions and Mixed Waste Management
The Land Disposal Restrictions, imposed by Congress in 1984 and implemented by the Environmental Protection Agency, impose constraints on the management of mixed waste. Except in very...

Mixed Waste Disposal at the Texas Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility
The conflicting requirements of the EPA and NRC for mixed waste disposal are reviewed. The conceptual design issued by these organizations is described in terms of its essential features....

Planning Subsurface Storage-Transport Facilities for Combined Sewer Overflow Control in Cincinnati, Ohio
The wastewater collection system in the greater Cincinnati area includes a large area served by a combined sewer system. The combined sewer system drains to the Ohio River and several...

Navy Targets Effective Infiltration/Inflow Elimination
The Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC), Chesapeake Division, retained the services of RJN Environmental Associates, Inc. to perform a Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey (SSES)....

Along the Road to K
Allegations of threats from toxic and hazardous wastes advanced on political and emotional planes threaten, themselves, to overshadow the facts that should dominate ultimate technical...

Toxicity Bioassay Using Nitrifying Bacteria
Monitoring water quality by the use of toxicity bioassay was studied with respect to the interrelationship between nitrifying activities, ammonium and inorganic compounds. Differential...

Evaluation of Waste Fly Ash Pretreatment Process
A batch acid-leaching pretreatment process was investigated for its potential to reduce toxicity and leachability of a municipal waste combustor fly ash prior to land disposal. Elemental...

Remedial Planning for the Former EXPO 86 Site
This paper describes the site characterization and remedial action planning effort that is being undertaken at the former EXPO 86 site in downtown Vancouver, B.C. The 200 acre site on...

An Engineered Reactor Approach to Integrating Physicochemical and Biological Processes for In-Situ Bioremediation of Contaminated Subsurface Systems
The concept of integrating biologically active granular carbon reactors into groundwater recycle schemes to provide continuous acclimation and enrichment of microorganisms and inoculation...

Integrated Management of Sugarcane Mill Wastewater for Bioenergy Production and Drip Irrigation
Based on the previous work of wastewater characterization and relevant literature review, a combined anaerobic (UASB) and aerobic (EAFB) treatment of supernatant of settled sugarcane mill...

Preliminary Investigation into Using Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) for Real-Time Control of Aerobic-Anoxic Sludge Digesters
This research explores the use of Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) to control an Aerobic-Anoxic Sludge Digestion Process. It compares a Fixed-Time Control reactor (3 hours of air on/3...

Fate of PCBs in Municipal-Sludge Amended Soil
This paper presents the preliminary results of a five-year field study of the fate of PCBs in soil that has been amended with municipal sewage sludge. A first-order model describes the...

Evaluation of Sludge Screening and Screenings Dewatering Technologies
The concept of digested sludge screening has been utilized at the City of Los Angeles' Hyperion Treatment Plant to remove extraneous objects, hair, and fibrous material in...

Composting, Past, Present and Future
Over the past ten years, the composting process has taken on a different look as a method of processing municipal sludge. Today it is one of the most popular and prevalent methods of sludge...

Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion: A Two-Year Appraisal of Canadian Facilities
Full scale, autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion (ATAD) facilities were constructed or upgraded in 1988 to demonstrate high temperature aerobic digestion of municipal sludges at...

Anoxic-Aerobic Activated Sludge Treatment
An activated sludge system was operated at a relatively low SRT of 1-2 days at the City of Phoenix to meet secondary treatment requirements. Operating MLSS concentrations were 400-600...

Aerobic Denitrification in Activated Sludge
Definitive proof of the phenomenon of concurrent biological nitrification-denitrification in activated sludge is presented. The mechanism appears to be an inhibition of oxygen respiration...

Effects of Temperature and Mean Cell Residence Time on Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal
The effects of temperature and mean cell residence time (MCRT) on biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal were investigated by operating pilot-scale continuous-flow activated sludge...

The Effect of Operational Parameters on the Acid-phase Anaerobic Fermentation in the Biological Phosphorus Removal Process
A series of laboratory-scale, continuous flow experiments has been employed to study the effects of selected HRTs and SRTs on the acid-phase fermentation of primary sludge. The VFA production...

Minimization of Hazardous Waste Generation: Preliminary Investigation of Waste Management Properties of a Solvent Substitute for TCE
The objective of this study was to conduct a preliminary evaluation of waste management properties of a terpene-based solvent substitute. Waste management properties which were evaluated...





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