Occupational and Environmental Exposures to Radon: A Perspective for Mitigators
Occupational exposures to radon and radon decay products and the associated high incidence of radiation induced lung cancer form the basis for our present-day concern for limiting exposures...

Hazardous Waste Disposal: An Attitudinal Affront
Modern disposal facilities are thorough and conscientious in their methods. Environmentally sound practices are essential to protect the company and its clients from liability. The average...

Challenges Posed by Large-Scale Asbestos Abatement Projects in Occupied High-Rise Buildings
The challenges posed by a large-scale asbestos abatement project are great: providing a safe indoor environment for building tenants and property that is liability-free for the building...

Study of Direct Potable Reuse of Reclaimed Wastewater: Preliminary Results
The study includes a comprehensive attempt to measure as many as possible of the parameters which may effect the public health risk associated with reuse of municipal wastewater, after...

The Application of Risk Assessment at Hazardous Waste Sites
This paper discusses some of the recent innovative uses of risk assessment at hazardous waste sites. Important developments in both methodology and application are as follows: quantitative...

Risk Assessment for the Multiple Threat from Dioxin Analysis
In this paper, the author focuses on the integrated method of estimating the risks and the evaluation of the risk acceptability based on a systematic classification of all risks involved...

A Practical Approach for Evaluating Environmental Risk
Risk management and assessment techniques are increasingly being used to project public health risks at hazardous wastes sites. Few studies have quantitatively evaluated the environmental...

Risk Assessment for TCE and Related Chemicals Based on Multi-Component, Multi-Media Transport Models
Trichloroethylene (TCE) is known to undergo anaerobic transformation and produces daughter products including dichloroethene, and vinyl chloride which have been known as possible carcinogenic...

Closure of Hazardous Surface Impoundments and Creation of an On-site Permanent Disposal Facility?A Case History
Remington Arms Co. is currently undertaking a RCRA closure program for nine surface impoundments in Lonoke, Arkansas. The impoundments contain a variety of listed hazardous wastes from...

Hazardous Waste Impacts on the Highway Planning and Property Acquisition Process
Since the advent of increased public awareness concerning hazardous waste and the enactment of statutes governing these wastes, hazardous waste has become an important component impacting...

Generation of Compromise Alternatives Between Maximum Benefits and Maximum Acceptance
This paper proposes a procedure to generate a set of compromise alternative solutions between maximization of benefits and maximization of acceptance. A small set of near optimal strategies,...

Water Management for the Future?State Perspective
The State of Georgia-Environmental Protection Division (EPD) has managed the quality of the waters of Georgia since the early 1970's. Today, the main focus of water issues...

Groundwater Protection?The Delaware Experience
Groundwater protection in the State of Delaware has been an evolving process requiring the planning, cooperation, and implementation of rules and regulations by several state and local...

Approaches for Protecting Groundwater From Agricultural Threats
In general, major groundwater pollutants contributed from agricultural sources are nitrate-nitrogen from chemical and animal fertilizers and pesticides applied on farm products for pest,...

Determination of Optimal Capacity for Water Imports
Determination of the optimal size of water import facilities is inextricably related to the issue of establishing the optimal water price, and is made more difficult by the stochastic...

Interbasin Transfers: An Issue in Search of a Policy
Increasing demands for water combined with recent droughts have increased the search in many regions for new sources of water. High on the list of alternatives are always interbasin transfers....

Evolution of Water Allocation Law in the Eastern United States
During the first half of this century, the riparian doctrine and common law ground water doctrines were modified by the courts as they adjusted to changing social demands. Evolution has...

Attitudes and Health Effects of Water Reuse
This paper is concerned with public attitudes toward water reuse for irrigation and with the consequences of human contact with reclaimed wastewater. Initially, attitudes are considered...

Water Resources Planning for the San Antonio Region
Water resources planning for the San Antonio region begins with the physical setting and the technical considerations - the science and engineering aspects. It proceeds to the economic...

World Bank's Role in Global Water and Related Environmental Issues
The World Bank provides loans and technical assistance to developing countries for improvement of the physical and economic well-being of the people. A major portion of its lending is...





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