Routing a Cold Water Release Through TVA Reservoirs to Control Intake Temperatures at a Power Plant
A volume of cold water was routed some 160 miles through the TVA reservoir system to keep a nuclear plant intake temperature within safety limits. Mathematical modeling of the operation...

Hydraulic Transient Analysis of High-Head Hydropower Project
An iterative computer simulation procedure called LIQT (Liquid Transient), which performs simulations of hydraulic transients in closed conduit hydro-power systems, is used to estimate...

The Colorado River Simulation System
The Colorado River Simulation System (CRSS) is a comprehensive computer tool designed to assist water resource managers in long-range planning and management of the Colorado River Basin....

Design and Operation of Guard Gates
Guard gates for hydroelectric intakes and low-level outlets are normally intended for operation only under balanced heads. In the case of failure of regulating gates, the guard gate may...

The Estimation of Extreme Floods in Brazil
In Brazil, the design flood of a large dam is calculated using either the Probable Maximum Flood criteria or the 10,000-year Flood. Recently a Guidebook has been written to help Brazilian...

Optimal Interpolation of Bathymetry in the Thyrrehnian Sea
The bathymetry of the Tyrrhenian Sea in the area facing the electro-nuclear plant being built at Montalto di Castro, Italy, is reconstructed with the aid of the constrained kriging making...

Underwater Tunnel Inspection by Virginia Power Using a Submersible Robot
The Bath County Pumped Storage Station, has three large tunnels linking the upper and lower reservoirs. The 'Hydrover' submersible remotely operated vehicle (ROV)...

Glacial Basin Flow for a Power Operation Model
A power operation model was developed and used to estimate the project energy generation and reservoir level fluctuations. In order to precisely simulate the daily project operation, daily...

Localized Mixing for Improvement of Hydropower Releases from J. Percy Priest Reservoir
The J. Percy Priest Project, located on the Stones River near Nashville, TN, experienced low dissolved oxygen (DO) in the tailwaters during hydropower generation. Using commercially available...

Debris Torrents in Nepal and Use of Reliability Engineering Concepts During Redesign of River Works
Debris torrents, generated by cloudbursts and by glacier lake outbursts, occur frequently in the Nepal Himalaya. A simple fault tree analysis is applied to the destruction of a diversion...

The Hydro Business: 1990 and Beyond
During the last ten years, hydroelectric generation received more and more attention as a source of reliable and economical electricity. Since the first WATERPOWER conference, the industry...

Status of Hydropower Development at Corps of Engineers Dams
The Corps of Engineers is the largest single supplier of hydroelectric power in the United States with 74 projects and an installed capacity of 20,839 MW. In addition, 33 Corps projects...

The Development and Writing of the ASCE/EPRI Hydroelectric Guidelines
In the Spring of 1989, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) jointly published their Civil Engineering Guidelines for Planning...

Project Evaluation?Don't Miss the Boat
The hydroelectric developer is faced with many decisions during the evaluation stage. These include determining the size of the project, financial analysis to be used, type and number...

Hydropower Development under the Utility Concept of Least Cost Utility Planning
The impetus behind 'Least Cost Utility Planning' (LCUP) is that if new generation or purchased power could be deferred, the resultant savings could be used to...

Determining Hydro Project Dependable Capacity
Traditional techniques for estimating a hydro project's dependable capacity are of limited value when evaluating a hydro project in a thermal-based power system. For such...

Important Aspects of Annual Energy Calculation Techniques for Low Head Hydro Power Plants
Annual energy calculations are frequently used to optimize design parameters at a turbine site and to compare energy production based on equipment offers from various suppliers. In this...

Quantifying Uncertainty in Hydropower Planning
Power system operators must deal with various types of uncertainties. Some are related to inputs, such as system load and water supply, while others pertain to the system itself, such...

Joint Economic Evaluation of Pumped Storage in Colorado
This paper summarizes a joint planning study completed in December 1988 on the economic potential of pumped-storage development. The study was unusual in water development investigations...

An Investigation of a Pumped Storage Hydropower System
In order to provide a realistic basis of determining the viability of a wind-powered hydroelectric system at a potential site, an evaluation technique has been developed. Basically, this...





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