Adsorption of Lindane onto Whole Soil and Soil Organic Fractions
The work presented here investigated interactions of the subject pesticide with whole soil and select soil organic fractions and evaluated the commonly applied assumptions that adsorption...

Development of a Sorbent for Removal of Nonionic Pollutants from Water
Sorption of anionic surfactants onto mineral oxides and, and the subsequent partitioning of non-ionic organic substance into the organic phase of these synthetic sorbents was studied....

Behavior of Three Organic Chemicals Passing Through Columns Packed with Sand and Silt in the Presence of Landfill Leachate
This study examines the effect of leachate on the migration of three common industrial chemicals in unsaturated flow under two sets of soil conditions: sand and sand with a layer of silt....

Impact of Proposed Radon Drinking Water Regulations on Groundwater Systems in California
This summer, the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to propose a maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 300 pCi/l for radon in drinking water. This anticipated MCL, if adopted, will...

Fate of PCBs in Municipal-Sludge Amended Soil
This paper presents the preliminary results of a five-year field study of the fate of PCBs in soil that has been amended with municipal sewage sludge. A first-order model describes the...

Effects of Temperature and Mean Cell Residence Time on Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal
The effects of temperature and mean cell residence time (MCRT) on biological phosphorus and nitrogen removal were investigated by operating pilot-scale continuous-flow activated sludge...

The Effect of Operational Parameters on the Acid-phase Anaerobic Fermentation in the Biological Phosphorus Removal Process
A series of laboratory-scale, continuous flow experiments has been employed to study the effects of selected HRTs and SRTs on the acid-phase fermentation of primary sludge. The VFA production...

Crossflow vs. Counterflow Air Stripping Costs
Crossflow towers offer a potential economic advantage over counterflow towers due to savings in fan power costs as well as material costs. These savings increase as contaminant volatility...

Destruction of VOC's By Thermal Oxidation
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 call for the regulation of 189 air toxics and requires control standard benchmarks of Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT). These emissions...

Air Stripping of Refinery Effluent for TC Compliance
In order to manage the risk that the water effluent may at times exceed the limits of the USEPA final Toxicity Characteristics (TC) rule which came into effect on September 25, 1990, a...

Biological Methods for Air Decontamination: Modeling Hydrocarbon Removal
Bench-scale tests indicate biofilter treatment of gasoline and diesel with activated carbon support media is first order, while removal of ethanol on compost is zero order. Treatment of...

Complete Recyling in the Organics Chemicals Industry
Regulations for both direct and indirect discharges have become so stringent in order to protect the environment that wastewater treatment and effluent levels in the organics chemicals...

Design Considerations for Control of Volatile Organic Compounds at Wastewater Treatment Facilities
New federal and state regulations require publicly owned treatment works (POTW's) to consider emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC's) as potentially significant...

Modeling Emissions from Aerobic Treatment Systems
A mathematical model has been developed specifically for accurately quantifying the dispersion of emissions in the near vicinity of a groundlevel area source. This model accounts for variations...

Continuing Effort to Eliminate Odors at Orange County's Wastewater Treatment Plants
The County Sanitation Districts of Orange County (CSDOC), California own and operate two wastewater treatment plants. Reclamation Plant No. 1, in Fountain Valley, treats approximately...

Case Studies of POTW Air Toxic Emission Tests and a Proposed Emission Control Strategy
Air toxic emissions and associated human health risk at wastewater treatment plants can be reduced with a phased implementation strategy. An evaluation of major conventional secondary...

Modeling Analysis of CSO Impacts in a Tidal Basin
Short duration intensive inflows of combined sewer overflows (CSO) to marine tidal basins create stratified water quality for limited periods of time. Accurate assessment of water quality...

Using Multiple Water Quality Models for Determining Variable Emission Levels for Wasteload Allocation
We present a methodology for determining the least-cost wasteload allocations from multiple point sources discharging into a single water body. The system of point sources is modeled as...

Removal of Priority Pollutants in Industrial and Hazardous Wastewaters
With the implementation of effluent standards based on water quality criteria, more and more situations arise where the capabilities of treatment technology is stretched to their limits...

Redevelopment of Remediated Superfund Sites: Problems with Current Approaches in Providing Long-Term Public Health Protection
The normal primary objective of Superfund site remediation is the control of hazardous chemicals so that they do not represent a significant threat to public health and the environment...





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