Applying the ARMOS and MOFAT Models to a Major Oil Spill
A study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of a crude oil pipeline rupture in the recharge area of the aquifer serving most of West Tennessee. The main challenge was to model the volume...

Proposed Development of South Central Florida Hydrologic Ecosystem Model
The Corps of Engineers has been authorized to develop and operate a simulation model of the hydrologic ecosystem of central and south Florida. This ecosystem is fragile and complex, and...

The Importance of Verified Simulation Model in a Sewerage Rehabilitation Program
In the past as structural, water quality and flooding problems occurred in a sewer system they were dealt with by crisis management. A better approach is now available using the latest...

Analytical Hydraulic Modeling of Road Culverts
This paper summarizes the development of a comprehensive analytical methodology and a computer model capable of simulating a wide range of flow phenomena in road culverts. The new flow...

Optimal Aquifer Management for Controlling Land Subsidence
This paper discusses on-going research in optimal regional aquifer management that has a multiplicity of goals: water supply, subsidence control, and energy management. Current research...

A TVD MacCormack Method for Open Water Hydraulics and Transport

An Assessment of Environmental Costs Associated with Crude Oil Pipeline Damage Caused by Earthquakes
This paper presents a methodology for assessing the risk of environmental contamination from oil pipeline leaks caused by earthquakes. Risk is measured both as volume of oil released and...

Validation of the SEADYN90 Cable Simulation Model Using a Three-Dimensional Cable Deployment Data Set
This paper presents data from a full-scale, three-dimensional cable payout test and the corresponding numerical simulations using the SEADYN90 computer model. The experiment, which was...

Electrokinetic Cleanups
Electrokinetic remediation of contaminated soils is a relatively new research area. Electrokinetic phenomena can be used to create barriers, and move particles, including pollutants such...

Impact of Cold Weather on Building Construction Scheduling
Weather impact on a building construction schedule is often significant in cold regions. Most deterministic scheduling methods are unable to directly account for the effects of weather...

Ice Jam Configuration: Second Generation Model
An early model of ice jam configuration in wide, prismatic channels is generalized for applications to natural streams. Test runs are carried out to illustrate model performance and study...

A Conceptual Model for Vertical Frazil Distribution in Turbulent Flows
A conceptual model is presented for the evolution of frazil over depth in a turbulent flow. The net upward migration due to buoyancy of the frazil is opposed by intermittent mixing induced...

Heat Exchange at the Ice/Water Interface on Flowing Water
Any time the water flowing under an ice cover has a temperature above freezing, there is an exchange of heat between the water and the ice. Earlier work by Ashton and others provided adequate...

Multiphase Flows and the Modeling of Drifting Snow
Three categories of multiphase flow theories are commonly specialized for modeling drifting snow; the 'two-fluid' model, particle tracking schemes and kinetic...

Spray and Ice Measurement Instrumentation for Ships
Bow slamming is the primary water delivery mechanism for ship superstructure icing. Spray flux is largely dependent upon hull dynamics, and cannot be computed numerically with current...

The USACRREL Underwater Frazil Ice Detector
A modified underwater frazil ice detector has been developed at USACRREL. This detector, which operates remotely, can automatically start deicing procedures and alert operators to the...

Condition Assessment Experience with Silos and Bunkers
This paper presents a methodology for condition assessment of coal silos and bunkers for retrofitting projects. Some typical problems such as corrosion, erosion, vibrations and buckling...

Modeling in Support of Hanford Site Waste Management
The waste management practices for both radioactive and hazardous wastes at the Hanford Site are designed to comply with all applicable state and federal regulations. Results from numerical...

Radiocolloid Transport in Saturated and Unsaturated Fractures
Studies have shown that radionuclides and toxic materials can attach to colloidal particles in groundwater or are themselves colloids. Since these contaminated particles can migrate several...

Strain Distribution in Fault Zones and Fluid Flow
Field and laboratory studies have shown that mechanical shearing in fault zones produces a repeatable fabric that changes with increasing shear strain. In the brittle field of mechanical...





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