Core and Reaming Bit Studies in Yucca Mountain Tuffs
The Site Characterization Project is a major part of the work in determining the suitability of Yucca Mountain as a potential high level waste repository. Over 100 exploratory drill holes...

Fear of Permanence: The Challenge of Siting Interim Facilities
This paper examines an increasingly urgent and surprisingly difficult task: siting potentially hazardous facilities that are intended to operate for a limited period, such as a Monitored...

Calcite Deposits in Fractures at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Calcite is one of the latest-formed minerals within fractures at Yucca Mountain. Petrographic and chemical studies of these calcites have the potential, in conjunction with fluid-inclusion...

Lead Isotopic Composition of Paleozoic and Late Proterozoic Marine Carbonate Rocks in the Vicinity of Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Paleozoic and Late Proterozoic marine carbonate rocks (limestones, dolomites, and their metamorphic equivalents) cropping out in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain contain lead with an isotopic...

Application of the Global Positioning System to Locating Remote Sites
The location of Near Field (NF) sampling stations, used for the radiological monitoring program portion of the site characterization phase of the Yucca Mountain Project, were determined...

Ambient Air Monitoring to Support HLW Repository Site Characterization
This paper is a description of the program that has been operating in support of the Yucca Mountain site site characterization activities since 1985.The ambient air monitoring is designed...

HWVP Compliance with the Hanford Site Solid Waste Acceptance Criteria
This report describes the Hanford Waste Vitrification project (HWVP), which will be located at the Haford Site. The Hanford Site encompasses a 560-mi2...

Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Exploratory Studies Facilities Construction Status
This paper discusses the progress to date on the construction planning and development of the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) Exploratory Studies Facilities (ESF). The...

Functional Analysis: The Path to Effective Training
The regulatory requirements under which the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) operates mandate that worker proficiency be achieved and maintained. Individuals performing...

Project Control?The Next Generation
The Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project (YMP) is the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) second largest Major System Acquisition Project. We have developed an integrated planning...

Managing Government Contracts: Tips to Keeping Your Sanity
The key to managing large government projects is to divide it into smaller manageable pieces and organize it accordingly. Government projects are unique in that they require much more...

Glen Canyon: The Economic Costs
Revenues from power produced at Glen Canyon Dam are used to support Colorado River Storage Project (CRSP) purposes, to pay O&M costs, and to repay construction costs. Generation...

Wetland Engineering, Design, and Construction: State-of-the-Science and Research Needs
Local, state, and federal agencies, special interest groups, and individual landowners are undertaking wetland construction projects at a feverish pace to mitigate past and anticipated...

GIS Reconstruction of Exposure to Water Supply Contaminants
Groundwater pollution resulting from improper waste handling practices in the aerospace industry contaminated the water supply in Tucson, Arizona. State and federal health officials concluded...

Groundwater Contaminant Transport at a Hazardous Waste Disposal Site, Pullman, Washington
Groundwater contamination at a hazardous waste site near Pullman, Washington is simulated by a numerical model. The aquifer at the site is classified as an unconfined valley aquifer. Solute...

The West Point Story?Chapter 1: Overview and Planning
The West Point wastewater treatment plant is the Seattle metropolitan area's largest wastewater treatment plant, and it is being upgraded to provide secondary treatment. The planning,...

The West Point Story?Chapter 2: Project Management Approach
In 1985, serving as the program lead, Metro contracted with Lewis Zimmerman Associates to conduct a formal facility planning effort for the West Point wastewater treatment plant. It was...

The West Point Story?Chapter 4: Design
Metro's approach to design was one of integrated environmental and plant design. The project team, with guidance from the community and the city's parks department, established goals before...

The West Point Story?Chapter 5: Construction
As design of the West Point plant neared completion, the municipality of Seattle addressed construction of the facilities. The challenge was to build a complex wastewater treatment plant...

Assessment and Mitigation for Endangered Vernal Pool Invertebrates
The USFWS is considering declaring five species of vernal pool invertebrates endangered. Among these are the Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp (Branchinecta lynchi), the California Linderiella...





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