Drought Management in Northeastern Colorado
The Northern Colorado Water District (the District) has established a set of policies and procedures and constructed a water storage and distribution system that allows for the effective...

California's Response to Drought
A reliable water supply is essential in supporting our society. Past experience during droughts in California suggest that appropriate action must be consistent with the severity of the...

Non-point Source Policies for Agricultural Drainage
There is limited experience in regulating the water quality impacts of nonpoint source subsurface agricultural drainage discharges. Recent efforts in California to regulate selenium discharges...

Results of Field Evaluations of the New Modular Inclined Fish Diversion Screen
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has developed and biologically evaluated a new type of fish diversion screen known as the Modular Inclined Screen (MIS). The MIS is designed...

Chandler Canal Fish Screen Facilities
Diversions from rivers must be protected from negative effects on migratory and non-migratory fish species. Diversions to canals often have to be screened to prevent removal and loss of...

Mitigation of Predation at a Juvenile Bypass Outfall Site
Reducing predation at an outfall has become an increasingly important consideration in the design of a juvenile salmonid bypass system. To minimize the exposure juveniles have with predators...

Water Conservation Definitions From a Hydrologic Viewpoint
The definition of water management principles needed to satisfy societys water use objectives requires the use of terms and definitions that clearly describe the effects of various water...

Impact of Agricultural Water Conservation on Water Quality in Arid Irrigated Areas
Water quality constituents of concern in irrigation return flow include sediment, nitrate, pesticides, and trace elements. Each of these components can be affected by irrigation and drain...

Urban Water Conservation Efforts of the Irrigation Association
Water conservation, wise water use, efficient water management: no matter what terminology one uses to describe it, the fact is the topic of using less water permeates the irrigation industry....

How Did a California Dam Get a Section 404 Permit?
This paper describes the wetland mitigation planning and implementation efforts conducted for the Contra Costa Water Districts (CCWDs) Los Vaqueros Project in eastern Contra Costa County,...

Mitigation Wetland Losses for a Major Transportation Improvement Project in New Hampshire
To compensate for 103 acres of wetland impact from a 17.6-mile upgrade of NH Route 101 between Epping and Hampton, New Hampshire, NH Department of Transportation (NHI)OT) and Normandeau...

Conveyance of Water and Wastewater Residuals
The treatment of water and wastewater results in the production of significant quantities of residual suspended solids which must be further processed prior to discharge/disposal. Invariable,...

Automatic Control of Flocculation Processes
A control system for flocculation, used in water and wastewater treatment operations is being developed. The approach is based on detailed particle size distribution measurements of influent...

Sediment Transport Modeling for the Glen-Colusa Irrigation District Fish Screen Modifications
The Glen-Colusa Irrigation District (GCID) pumping plant is located on an oxbow of the Sacramento River approximately 100 miles north of Sacramento (Figure 1). The existing fish screen...

Challenges and Opportunities in Egypt's Integrated Water Resources Strategy
Egypt's Nile irrigation system is a very complicated, old operated, continuously expanding system. It may be also described as a highly productive irrigated agriculture system....

Game Model Approach to Multi-Purpose/Multi-Objective Water Resources Related Environmental Protection Project Planning and Management in Developing Nations: A Nigerian Example
The best has not been realised from water resources related environmental protection projects in Nigeria due to problems militating against such projects at the planning, management and...

Environmental Considerations for Water Resources Development in Haor Areas of Northeastern Bangladesh
A haor is a bowl shaped depression which are flooded every year during monsoon. It remains under water for seven months of the year. This paper gives an outline of the environmental considerations...

Environmental Improvement in Southern Africa
Cross-border environmental projects in southern Africa are identified and discussed. The complexity of coordinating multinational standards, combined with the region's extreme...

Watershed Management for a Limited Coastal Aquifer System
Developing a watershed strategy, which incorporates key issues of a particular watershed, may entail the coordination of several different agencies. Work performed by the USGS, local public...

Juvenile Fish Separator Design
Separation by size of downstream migrant juvenile salmonids at hydroelectric projects in the Columbia River basin is an integral part of transportation and bypass programs. However, separation...





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