Siphoning Sludge
Floating siphon sludge collection systems, as part of a massive wastewater treatment expansion program, are helping Houston to grow. Amid the boom years of the early 1970s, the city had...

This is an overview of civil engineering challenges in the water and wastewater fields by the end of the decade. Experts offer predictions and opinions about drought and the need to conserve...

Cleaning Up: The Second Decade
Endless media coverage and a high level of public anxiety make it seem as though the U.S. has been attempting to clean toxic waste sites for decades. In fact, the 1980s were our first...

The International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade and Beyond
The International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade ends in 1990. Though the Decade has not achieved its numerical objective of universal access to water and sanitation, it has...

Strategic Sanitation Planning
Conventional sewerage has generally been the only method considered for human waste and wastewater disposal in urban areas, both in developed and developing countries. In developing countries,...

Advanced Integrated Wastewater Pond Systems
By incorporating special environments for methane fermentation and photosynthetic oxygenation, advanced integrated ponding systems attain high degrees of primary and secondary treatment...

Extent and Sources of Ground Water Contamination Now in the Nineties
In spite of man's tendency toward grandiose surface-water projects which resist natural forces, along with a political climate which spawns disincentives to conserve and economically...

Treatment of Contaminated Groundwater
Treatment of groundwater contaminated by improper disposal practices of the past, routine agricultural chemical usage, accidents, and leaks is going to be of increasing importance. Prevention...

Remediation Technologies in Use for Groundwater and Soil Contamination in the Santa Clara Valley
Silicon Valley is known as the origin and the heart of the high technology (Hitech) industry. However, tech-nologies used for soils and groundwater remediation in the valley are not necessarily...

Heavy Metals Sources and Waste Minimization for a POTW
This paper presents a summary of recent studies conducted to minimize heavy metals discharged to a South San Francisco Bay Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW). The studies identified...

Alternative Technologies for Waste Minimization
The recently enacted waste minimization legislation, SB 14 (Roberti) places an additional regulatory burden on manufacturers in the Bay Area. The requirement for waste minimization plans...

The ABCs of SRFs
With the outlook for future federal funding bleak, state and local governments will have to reply on their own resources to fund the plant expansions and upgrades needed to meet EPAs wastewater...

Environmental Engineering
This proceedings was presented at the Environmental Engineering 1990 Specialty Conference sponsored by the Environmental Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers...

Supplying Water and Saving the Environment for Six Billion People
This proceedings was presented at the 1990 Annual Civil Engineering Convention and Exposition in San Francisco, California on November 5-8, 1990. Out of the 47 sessions presented at the...

Microsilica (Silica Fume) Concrete Durability in Severe Environments
Microsilica (silica fume) concrete has provided increased durability in a variety of aggressive environments. Technical information is presented for microsilica concretes exposed to fire,...

Chloride Diffusion Constant for Concretes
Reinforced concrete exposed to chloride ions rapidly deteriorates once the chloride concentration level exceeds the corrosion threshold limit. The diffusion of the chloride ion through...

Use of Copper Slag for Construction Purposes
Standard laboratory test results on the fine- and coarse-grained fractions of a copper slag have been presented. Based on the results of these tests, the possible use of the fine fraction...

What's Wrong With Superfund
In nine years of the federal government's Superfund program, $4 billion has been spent and only 38 of the 1,175 sites on the national priority list have been cleaned. There...

On-Site Incineration
A variety of equipment is now available for incinerating hazardous wastes in situ. Thermal treatment, compared to land disposal, offers limited liability and immediate destruction. It...

Fast Tracking Military Waste
The installation restoration program, the military version of Superfund, helped fast track the cleanup contracts for four military hazwaste sites located at Hanscom Air Field, Bedford,...





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