1993 Mississippi Record Stages and Levee Failures
Record-setting stages, flooding duration, and multiple levee failures are distinguishing features of the Mississippi River 1993 flood. The peak stages reached at stations along the Illinois...

1993 Ground-Water Flooding in the Havana Area
The Havana area in Mason County, west-central Illinois, experienced nearly continuous rises in the water table beginning in the fall of 1992 which created lakes in depressed areas. Water...

Impacts of the 1993 Flood on the Mississippi River in Illinois
The 1993 flood has now been recognized as one of the greatest floods on the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. Its geographical extent included portions of Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Wisconsin,...

Historical Trends in Flood Discharges on the Upper Mississippi River
Long-term streamgage records in the Upper Mississippi River Basin were analyzed using a Kendall Tau-b analysis to determine trends in flooding and average flows. Over the 130 years of...

The Miller City Levee Break and Incipient Meander Cutoff
On July 15, 1993, the flooding Mississippi River broke through a levee near Miller City, Ill., at the head of the Mississippi Embayment, approximately 55 km upstream from Cairo, Ill. Flow...

The Summer of 1993 Floods Lower Missouri River
Throughout the State of Missouri from November 1992 through July 1993, precipitation set new records, in some cases ranging as high as 200 - 400 percent of normal rain fall. Missouri precipitation...

Roughness Coefficient in Mountain Rivers
River discharge estimations require an evaluation of the river flow resistance that generally is related with Manning's roughness coefficient. The literature suggests different ways of...

Design of Manning's-Rougness-Coefficient Study in New York State
Field-collected hydraulic data can be used to compute roughness coefficients for channels with different hydraulic characteristics. Suggested criteria for the design of a roughness-coefficient...

Study of Friction Factors in the Upper Reaches of the Rio Grande
The purpose of this study is to investigate the determination of Manning's roughness in the upper Rio Grande river basin and compare results to other studies where Darcy Weisbach friction...

Floodflow Effects on Riparian Vegetation in Arizona
A relation for estimating changes in the condition of riparian vegetation as a function of stream power was developed for stream channels in central Arizona. Flood and vegetation data...

Roughness Coefficients for High-Gradient Channels in New York State
Manning's roughness coefficients (n values) were computed for a range of flows at six streams in New York State (USA) that have high energy gradients (greater than 0.002) and large median...

Critical and Supercritical Flows in two Unstable, Mountain Rivers, Toutle River System, Washington
Critical and supercritical flows are generally considered to be rare occurrences in natural river channels. This paper presents data and results pertaining to the existence of measured...

Bed Load Roughness in Supercritical Flow
A supercritical concrete channel has been proposed for Mission Creek located in Santa Barbara County, California. The proposed channel could transport gravels and cobbles as bed load during...

Effects of Particle Shape on Bedload Transport
The effects of particle shape on bedload transport in gravel-bed streams are examined using a similarity approach and fractional transport analysis for data from Piceance Creek, Colorado,...

Hydraulics and Sediment Transport Processes in a Pool-Riffle Rocky Mountain Stream
Sediment transport processes related to varying channel-bed morphology were investigated from April to November, 1993 along a 1 km pool-riffle and step-pool reach of North Saint Vrain...

Streamflow Related to Channel Geometry in Northern New England
Channel geometry measurements can be used to estimate various streamflow characteristics at ungaged stream locations. Channel cross section dimensions and sediment size distributions were...

Relation Between Largest Known Flood Discharge and Elevation in Montana
Previous studies relating unit discharge to elevation indicated that large floods in the Rocky Mountains may be limited by elevation. However, high-elevation data are sparse in Montana...

Historic-Flood Evaluation and Research Needs in Mountainous Areas
An evaluation of historic flood estimates in mountainous areas in Colorado was made to assess their accuracy. The purpose of this evaluation is to enhance awareness of the need to assess...

San Francisco Bay Test Case for 3-D Model Verification
This paper describes a field test case for 3-D hydrodynamic model verification using data from Carquinez Strait in San Francisco Bay, California. It will be disseminated by the ASCE Computational...

Identification of A Field Data Collection Program in Delaware Bay
Verification and the subsequent application of a numerical model requires sufficient field data to demonstrate that the model is reproducing the existing hydrodynamics of the modeled system....





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