Robotic Workcell for Waste Handling
During the sorting and repackaging of recovered waste, robotic systems for grasping and manipulating odd-shaped objects of varying sizes will be needed. Also, during the removal of buried...

Advancement of Material Handling Technologies for In-Place Asphalt Pavement Recycling
New technologies for asphalt pavement resurfacing are improving dramatically with the advancements being made to related equipment technologies. This paper focuses on the recent developments...

A New Robotic System Concept for Automating Highway Maintenance Operations
The purpose of this paper is to present the Tethered Mobile Robot (TMR) concept, a new robotic system for automating highway maintenance operations. The operational requirements of this...

Real-Time Control for a Robotic Rebar Bender
Job conditions and variability in the properties of the stock material combine in a rebar bending operation to create a challenging environment for a robotic bender. This paper reports...

Sensing and Control for Robotic Masonry
Due to kiln firing in the brick fabrication process, bricks vary in color, texture, and size. In an effort to automate masonry, sensing and control modules are required to ensure a normal...

Computer-Assisted Coal Mining ? An Overview
The U.S. Bureau of Mines was created to conduct research to improve the health, safety, and efficiency of the coal and metal mining industries. In 1986, the Bureau embarked on a new, major...

A Real-Time Control Network for Robotic Mining
The application of computers and computer networks to coal mining machines is one approach the U.S. Bureau of mines is pursuing to enhance safety for the coal miner while at the same time...

Robotic Options for Mining of Near-Earth Objects
The mining and processing of a Near-Earth Object (NEO) should be as simple and as robust as possible - the fewer processes and parts the better. Reliability and survivability of the total...

Bubba, A Teleoperated Countermine Vehicle
A recent countermine test program required the development of Bubba, a 5 ton, 6 wheel drive, M-923 military truck converted to teleoperation. The Mine Detection by Energetic Photons (MIDEP)...

The Engineer Vehicle Tele-operation Capability
The Tank-Automotive Robotics Office develops remote and autonomous ground vehicle systems for the U.S. Army. We specialize in command and control of mobility platforms and overall system...

Use of GPS for Tethered Satellite Position Determination
This paper provides a description of the potential application of GPS to determine the position of a tethered satellite with respect to the Space Shuttle. Relative positioning is performed...

Design Techniques for Rectangular Lunar Modules
This paper discusses relevant issues concerning the design and performance of cubical lunar modules. Previously, these modules have shown to be a possible solution for living and working...

A New Airlock Approach for Human Exploration
Conceptual design work on the First Lunar Outpost (FLO) mission led to the development of an airlock concept called the `doorlock' which appears quite promising for all aspects of manned...

Interactions Between the Space Station Freedom Attitude Control System and Space Shuttle Remote Manipulator Controller During On-Orbit Assembly Operations
This paper presents the results of dynamics and control interaction analyses involving the Space Shuttle Orbiter, the Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (SRMS), and the Space Station Freedom...

The Effect of Mobile Transporter Motion on the Space Station Attitude Control System
The effect of Mobile Transport (MT) motion on Space Station stability and the performance of the Attitude Control System (ACS) using Control Momentum Gyros (CMGs) is assessed. Analysis...

Microgravity Research in a Space Station Environment
A broad class of scientific experiments have evolved which utilize extreme low acceleration environments. A space station can provide such a `microgravity' environment, in conjunction...

Adaptive Space Station Technologies and Systems for a Lunar Surface Return Mission
The current global economic climate, in particular that of the United States, has impacted all aspects of government spending. Wise use of existing, as well as near-term planned, assets...

A Space Station Simulation: EXEMSI '92 A Study on Confinement and Isolation of a Mixed Crew of Four during 60 Days
Manned spaceflight is entering a new era. The next period will be characterized by long duration stays in space and heterogenous crews. EXEMSI '92 was an attempt to study the human-related...

Global Environmental Change: Geoengineering Technology
The `overview effect,' looking at the entire Planet Earth from space, has communicated the reality of the limited extent of our environment and its apparent fragility. Space continues...

The Potential for the Department of Defense to Use Space-Based Remote Sensing to Support DOD and Other Government Agencies' Environmental Programs
This paper describes the potential for the Department of Defense (DOD) to support other government agencies in the management of national and worldwide environmental programs. The DOD...





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