Soil-Pile-Superstructure System in Liquefaction
To obtain the dynamic behavior of the soil-pile-superstructure system in a liquefied sand layer, shaking table tests by using large scale shear bin (4m in length, 2m in width and 2m in...

Gabions and Geogrids
The century-old gabion concept can be improved upon by adding geogrid reinforcement to the soil embankments the gabion wall is designed to support. The grids add stability to the embankment...

Cyclic Behavior of a Deepwater Normally Consolidated Clay
A comprehensive advanced laboratory testing program was undertaken to study the cyclic behavior of clays under various combinations of one-way and two-way cyclic loading. This work was...

Pipeline Storm Behavior on Clay Soils
A series of transverse wave loading tests was conducted on a specially mounted section of pipe in a sediment-filled tank, to investigate the stability of unburied submarine pipelines under...

Corrosion Fatigue of Deepwater Offshore Materials
Evaluation of the fatigue life of offshore structures operating in depths of up to 10,000 feet (3,048 m) requires knowledge of the combined effect of axial and hydrostatic loading on the...

Use of Manned Submersibles to Investigate Slumps in Deep Water Gulf of Mexico
The Johnson-Sea-Link manned submersible was used to investigate surface slumps in the deep water Gulf of Mexico. High quality and specifically placed seafloor cores, video tapes, 35 mm...

Skin Friction Distrtibutions on Piles in Sand
Presented in this paper are early results from an analytical investigation of the performance of a closed-ended pipe pile under monotonic axial loading in dense sand. The study was performed...

A Fourier Series Solution to Bottom Roughness Induced Stresses During Pipe Laying
Often during installation, a subsea pipeline must be laid along seabed portions with rough profiles. The pipeline is forced by the bottom irregularities to bridge across consecutive protuberances....

Piles Under Dynamic Loads
This proceedings, Piles Under Dynamic Loads, consists of papers that try to identify the state of practice in the analysis and design of pile...

U.S. Sludge Digesters: From Pancakes to Eggs
Egg-shaped anaerobic sludge digesters, used extensively in Germany and Japan, cost more to build, but provide better mixing of sludge, require less maintenance and less energy to operate,...

Electrokinetic Cleanups
Electrokinetic remediation of contaminated soils is a relatively new research area. Electrokinetic phenomena can be used to create barriers, and move particles, including pollutants such...

Restricting Rockfalls
Predicting and controlling rockfalls has always been a high priority in Colorado, where many mountainous roads pass through hazardous rockfall areas with extensive and highly variable...

The Caisson Solution
Detroit is expanding its wastewater treatment plant to drastically reduce combined sewer overflows. The expansion, however, is being done on an extremely congested 4 acre tract of land...

Landfill-Cover Conflict
Last July, EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD), in Cincinnati held a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) workshop to discuss the latest technology and regulations for...

Mining for Building Expansion
Engineers adapted mining techniques to tunnel under a vibration sensitive manufacturing operation to create new working space below. IBM workers needed more working space at their Vermont...

Pressure Pipeline Design for Water and Wastewater
This committee report, Pressure Pipeline Design for Water and Wastewater, is a revision of the 1975 ASCE publication Pipeline...

Soil-Pipe Interaction During Frost Heaving Around a Buried Chilled Pipeline
The freezing of soil water around a buried chilled pipeline leads to soil heaving, which is affected by the presence of the pipe. This process may eventually cause pipeline failure. The...

Thermal Strain Behaviour of Clays Cooled to Cryogenic Temperatures
The thermal expansion behaviour of two different types of clays (Boom clay from Belgium and a pure kaolinite-water paste) has been studied in a temperature range from +20? to -150?C (LNG...

Laboratory Methods for Preparing Low-Density Frozen Saline Soil Samples
Laboratory methods were developed for preparing low-density frozen saline soil samples with density values ranging from 85-110 lb/ft3. This range...

Single Pile and Pile Group in Permafrost
The results of laboratory and field experiments on single pile and pile group behaviour in frozen soils are reported. It was shown that the character of soil deformation was influenced...





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