Conductivity and Transit Time Estimates of a Soil Liner
A field-scale soil linear was built to assess the feasibilty of constructing a liner to meet the saturated hydraulic conductivity requirement of the U.S. EPA (i.e., less than 1 ? 10-7...

Modeling and Data Uses in Hydraulic Transport Investigations, New Bedford Estuary, Mass.
Field measurements, laboratory tests, and models were used together to make transport predictions for the sediments and dissolved materials which would be released by proposed dredging...

Circulation Between I-664 Channel Islands, James River, Virginia
This paper compares information presently available concerning the maximum currents between the I-664 Channel Islands in Hampton Roads, Virginia, before and after construction of the islands....

The Chesapeake Bay Hydraulic Model: Construction, Operation and Verification
This paper discusses significant aspects of the construction, operation, verification and testing at the Chesapeake Bay Hydraulic Model which was operational from May 1976 to August 1984....

Morphology and Roughness in the Hydraulics of Large Bed Element Channels
The evolution of natural steep channels is a function of two factors in accordance with the principle of least action: flow distribution in the channel and terrain geomorphology. Large...

Development and Implementation of the Wekiva River Basin Regulatory Program in Central Florida
The St. Johns River Water Management District developed a comprehensive surface water management program for the basin. Between 1987 and 1989 the District implemented basin specific design...

Biodiversity in Riparian Communities and Watershed Management
Riparian communities are demonstrated to be regional centers of biodiversity and biomass. Examples are taken primarily from bird and lizard communities in the Southwest, since these vertebrates...

Stream Bank Stability Prediction for C6 Stream Type Reconstruction
A hydraulic model investigation will be conducted to evaluate the effects of root system characteristics of three meadow plant communities on simulated bank erosion. The test will determine...

Sprinkler System Design for Frost Protection
Both undertree and overtree systems for frost protection by sprinkling are currently being used. The criteria based on experimental results and theoretical modeling have been reviewed...

Infiltration or Roughness from Surface Irrigation Advance
Over the past several decades, a significant effort has gone into the development of mathematical models of water flow over the soil surface. Significant progress has been made in prediction...

An Assessment of Input Variables to the Penman-Monteith Equation Using Canopy Reflectance Measurements
Observing the form of the Penman-J.L. Monteith equation, it can be seen that several terms could be potentially estimated from remotely sensed data. These include: net radiation, canopy...

A Modern Approach to the Design of Grassed Channels
The design of grassed channels can be based on modern fluid mechanics principles. The resistance to flow in a grassed channel is linked directly to the relative roughness of the flow through...

Computation of Unsaturated Soil Parameters Using Upward Infiltration Empirical Data
The relationship between soil moisture content and hydraulic conductivity with the soil tension be defined to simulate unsaturated flow in a porous media. Direct measurements of these...

Effect of Water Depth and Groundwater Table on Infiltration from Recharge Basins
The actual effect of water depth on infiltration depends on the depth to groundwater and on whether the wetted perimeter of the basin is clean or covered by a clogging layer of fine particles...

Rehabilitation of Water Wells
The main causes of declining well yield are biological growths, mechanical clogging and chemical encrustation. Because the treatment of the causes of encrustation and clogging is expensive...

An Evaluation of the Large Mammal Entry/Escape Steps Coachella Canal In-Place Lining Project
This study evaluated the effectiveness of a new system of large mammal entry/escape steps as part of the environmental investigations for the Coachella Canal In-place Lining Prototype,...

Comparison of Design Rainfall Criteria for the Southwest
The design of drainage and flood control facilities or the management of floodplains for alluvial fans is extremely sensitive to the design rainfall criteria that is used as input to the...

Inclusion of Wetlands in Designated Floodway Studies
The purpose of this paper is to propose a change in the traditional methods and procedures used by hydrologist and hydraulic engineers to define floodways and floodway fringe areas. We...

Two-Dimensional Modeling of Alluvial Fan Flows
A two-dimensional, flood routing model FLO-2D has been developed to route water and mudflows over unconfined surfaces. It predicts flow velocities and depths at discrete points for channel...

Armor Layer Evolution
This communication presents an analysis of celerity propagation for non-uniform materials. Based on the corresponding flow, sediment transpot and sorting/armoring equations, the celerity...





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