Use of Computers for Soil and Rock Testing
The Bureau of Reclamation's central geotechnical laboratory in Denver, Colorado, routinely uses computers and associated electronic measurement devices for data acquisition,...

Use of Bar Code Technology to Simplify Sieve Analysis Data Acquisition
A system has been developed at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Ohio River Division Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory using bar codes and a computer coupled balance to aid in data collection...

Data Acquisition and Test Control in the Laboratory
With the progressive development of microcomputer technology, microcomputer based data acquisition systems have become an indispensable tool in the soil mechanics laboratory. This paper...

An Inexpensive Automatic Control System for Soil Testing
This paper describes an inexpensive automatic control system for soils testing. The system comprises a microcomputer, an analog to digital converter, a relay board, and solenoid valves....

Automation in Soils Testing Facility USAE Waterways Experiment Station
Automation is a powerful tool that when used intelligently can increase production, minimize cost, and improve production in any testing laboratory. The Soils Testing Facility (STF) at...

Spatial Variation in Liquefaction Risk Assessment
Basic concepts and methods of random field theory, needed to characterize 'distributed disordered systems', are reviewed and applied to a soil liquefaction case...

Foundation Evaluation of Barkley Dam for Seismic Analysis
An in-situ site investigation was performed at Barkley Dam, KY to gather essential information on the stratigraphy and nature of the foundation soils. From this information the site was...

Finite Element Analysis and Field Instrumentation of a Soil/Cement Arch
A two dimensional plane strain finite element analysis is used to predict the increase in stress on an existing tunnel caused by the addition of twelve feet of fill. The fill, soil/cement,...

Data Base of Seismic Body Wave Velocities and Geotechnical Properties
A data base of seismic velocities measured in soils and standard geotechnical engineering material properties has been established at the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station...

Citizen Participation in Regional Planning Efforts
During the past 4 decades the formal role of citizens has become increasingly more apparent under changing legislative mandates. This paper examines citizen participation in developing...

Pumping In and Pumping Out: Case Histories of Fluidized Sand Bypassing for Channels and Beachface Dewatering for Beaches
New technologies can change management of sand in coastal areas. Fluidization, pumping in additional water beyond the quicksand point, makes a 50:50 sand-water slurry that will flow down...

Dune Maintenance
Beach nourishment and stabilization may be achieved through the replacement of sand eroded from the dune. A generalized description of the physical processes and the storm protection benefits...

Increased Attention to Ocean and Coastal Protection Legislation in the 101st Congress
For all the grumbling about the ineffectiveness of Congress, the 101st Congress produced a surprising number of critical pieces of coastal- and ocean-related legislation, and began the...

Management of Sandy Inlets: Coastal and Environmental Engineering Imperatives
Management of sandy tidal inlets is required for maintenance of navigable channels and control of beach erosion. Management elements essentially entail 'resharing'...

A Re-Evaluation of Earthquake Hazards Within the California Coastal Zone: Lessons from the Loma Prieta Earthquake
The 7.1 magnitude Loma Prieta earthquake occurred on October 17, 1989, had a duration of 15 seconds, and took 62 lives. Among the lessons learned from this earthquake with regard to offshore...

Geotechnical Failure of Revetments
A calculation method is developed to analyse the stability of a granular subsoil underneath a revetment under wave attack. This method leads to a minimum revetment weight per square meter...

Geological Assessment of Offshore Sand Deposits
The United States Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico continental shelf contains large numbers of surficial sand deposits. The search for sand resources for metropolitan construction and coastal...

Heavy Minerals and Aggregates Developments Nearshore Nova Scotia, Canada
This paper highlights past to present nearshore Scotian Shelf heavy mineral and aggregate exploration activities and findings. Promising sites for heavy minerals, gold and extensive sand...

The Application of a Geographical Information System to Resource Management?The UK Offshore Sand and Gravel Case
In the United Kingdom coastal and offshore environments, the extraction of sand and gravel from the seabed requires a high level of professional management, because of the varied and often...

Grunion Spawning Versus Beach Nourishment: Nursery or Burial Ground?
At Cabrillo Beach in San Pedro, California, a major sand renourishment project was scheduled to commence during the annual grunion spawning season, which occurs from February through August....





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