Long-Term Effects of Tillage and Crop Rotation on the Leaching of Nitrate and Pesticides to Shallow Groundwater
Contamination of groundwater by nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) and pesticides is a serious problem and concern in Iowa. The extent of contamination can...

Modeling Nitrogen Movement Through Loess Soils
This study evaluates the ability of the Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) to track the movement and fate of nitrate (NO3--N)...

Irrigation Management to Control Sediment Pollution
Unchecked serious irrigation erosion occurs on 20% or 10+ million irrigated acres in the U.S. It may cause water use impairment from sediment pollution. Serious erosion in many areas can...

Overview of the Ohio Management Systems Evaluation Area
The Ohio Buried Valley Aquifer Management System Evaluation Area (Ohio MSEA) project is part of a regional study developed to investigate the effects of farming systems on productivity,...

Nutrient Loads to Delaware's Inland Bays Estuary
A management plan has been developed for the Inland Bays which is a major coastal estuary. Agriculture is the largest contributor of nitrogen and phosphorus to the Inland Bays. Best management...

Phosphorus Transport from Delaware's Rural Watershed
Phosphorus loads were estimated for 62 watersheds. Major land uses in the watersheds were cropland and forestland. Annual phosphorus loads varied from 0.42 to 1.19 kg/ha. Watersheds with...

Tributary Pollutant Effects in the Urban Stream Network
With considering unsteady flow and backwater effects, a linear water quality model is developed based on the finite difference approximation. The model is composed to two components which...

Effects of Drainage on Water, Sediment and Biota
The U.S. Department of the Interior started a program in 1985 to identify effects of irrigation-induced trace constituents in water, bottom sediment and biota. The program was developed...

Impact of Grid Orientation on Groundwater Contaminant Transport Modeling Using the U.S.G.S. MOC Model
The U.S.G.S. method of characteristics (MOC) model was enhanced to include the input of measured contaminant concentrations, the calculation of computed and measured contaminant plume...

Pitfalls Associated with the Assumption of a Constant Partition Coefficient in Modeling Sorbing Solute Transport Through the Subsurface
This paper presents several case studies where the estimation of the adsorption coefficient, Kd, by means of the Koc-foc...

Evaluating Probability Measures Related to Subsurface Flow and Transport: Overview of Technical Considerations and Modeling Philosophy
Probabilistic modeling approaches are being used increasingly in order to carry out quantified risk analysis and to evaluate the uncertainty existing in subsurface flow and transport analyses....

Overview and Objectives of the Macrodispersion Experiment
TVA is conducting large-scale field experiments to better define movement and dispersion of contaminants in groundwater. This will support groundwater protection by making possible more...

Second Natural-Gradient Tracer Experiment
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has begun a second large-scale groundwater field experiment at the Columbus Groundwater Research test site in Mississippi. This research is a continuation...

Measurement and Analysis of Hydraulic Conductivity Variability of a Heterogeneous Aquifer
The spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity of a shallow alluvial aquifer was investigated using borehole flowmeter measurements. The study was conducted at the site of a large-scale...

Groundwater Models and Aquifer Restoration: An Overview
In recent years, as the demand for water has increased, groundwater mining has intensified. Data on water use indicate that this trend will continue in the future, and competition is likely...

Monte Carlo Simulation of Transport from Reserve Pits
A mathematical modeling study was performed to evaluate potential health and environmental risks due to contaminant transport from exploration and production well freshwater drilling mud...

Prediction Method of Concentration Distribution of Groundwater Pollutants Using a Field Monitoring Network System
A method based on the extended Kalman filter is developed to identify the parameters of a two-dimensional stochastic convective-dispersion differential equation and to predict in real-time...

Simulation of Leachate Discharge from a Small Island into a Tidal Bay
A small island in a tidal bay was considered as a potential site for depositing large volumes of excavation material from a transportation project. The island is located in the inner part...

A Preliminary Evaluation of Model Uncertainty Given Parameter Sensitivity for Select Transport Codes
The ever-increasing use of mathematical models in groundwater management has raised concerns as to uncertainties associated with their abilities to simulate real-world pollution problems....

Risk Assessment and Management of an Oil Contaminated Aquifer: A Case History Study
This paper concerns the provision of the basic information needed for the decision-making process regarding the remedial measures leading to reutilization of an oil contaminated aquifer....





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