Production Scheduling Model for Hydro-Qu?bec
A deterministic optimization model is described which allows to schedule the production of a predominantly-hydroelectric power system. Demand and exogenous inflows are assumed known with...

Comprehensive Optimization Model for Hydroelectric Reservoir Operations
The Energy Management and Maintenance Analysis (EMMA) model is used to maximize net revenues to Manitoba Hydro considering the operation of hydroelectric and thermal generation, generation...

Decision Support for Short Term Export Sales From a Hydroelectric System
A stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) model was recently developed and implemented at British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (B.C. Hydro) to provide decision support for short term...

Use of Probabilistic Constraints in Reservoir Operation Policies With Sampling Stochastic Dynamic Programming
The role of mathematical simulation and optimization models in hydropower planning at Pacific Gas and Electric Company is discussed, and some of the models are described. Applications...

Hydropower Stochastic Forecasting and Optimization
A microcomputer package was implemented to support real-time decisions for weekly and month-end water management at an industrial complex in the mountains of British Columbia. The rolling...

Real-Time Hydrosystem Operations Using Probabilistic Balancing Rule Models
A Probabilistic Balancing Rule model is presented and shown to be effective in the prescription of real-time (daily) operations for a multi-purpose surface water reservoir system. In this...

Application of Principal-Component Analysis to Long-Term Reservoir Management
Determining the optimal long-term operating policy of a multireservoir power system requires solution of a stochastic nonlinear programming problem. The paper presents a very efficient...

Stochastic Control of Hydropower Systems
A two-level stochastic control method is presented for the real-time operation of hydropower projects. The first level assumes fixed turbine discharges and utilizes probabilistic inflow...

Stochastic Dynamic Programming Applied to Multireservoir Systems
The main goal of this work was to develop a large scale optimization algorithm incorporating the principle that the uncertainty of future events increases with time. This principle governs...

Brief Description of Castor Software for Management of Reservoir Systems
The CASTOR group, started in 1984 at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal (Canada), is a major software development project for an integrated CAD system related to hydro projects. Based on...

Optimal Operational Analysis of the Colorado-Big Thompson Project
The Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District is currently investigating the feasibility of constructing a major water storage project on the mainstem of the Poudre River for water...

Optimal Allocation of Water for Irrigation and Hydropower
This study examines how hypothetical changes in irrigation practices affect downstream hydropower sites. Dynamic programming and simulation techniques are coupled to determine optimal...

Optimal Real-Time Pump and Irrigation Scheduling for Center-Pivot Sprinkler Systems
A comprehensive scheduling algorithm is presented for optimally integrating irrigation and pump operational decisions in center-pivot sprinkler systems. Dynamic programming successive...

Meeting Environmental Commitments at Power Plants Using Real-Time Reservoir Scheduling
This paper describes two different real-time modeling systems that determine if scheduled hydro releases will affect meeting environmental commitments. The modeling system for John Sevier...

Energy Relations for Suspended Sediment Transport
One of the main difficulties in predicting transport rates of suspended sediment on the basis of the Rouse-expression for relative sediment concentrations, is the lack of any reliable...

Calibration of a Movable Bed River Model
This paper discusses the calibration procedures used for a model study of three miles (5km) of the Arkansas River. A hydro-power station will be added to an existing Corps of Engineers...

Compendium of International Ocean Energy Activities
This Compendium of International Ocean Energy Activites has been designed as a resource directory of ocean energy projects in the United States...

Electricity From Air
After a decade of research and dozens of feasibility studies at sites around the country, the first Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) plant in the U.S. is under construction at McIntosh,...

Power Without Acid
Anticipating tighter acid rain controls, DOE is developing duct injection units that can be attached to existing powerplants. In a typical duct injection system, lime is sprayed into existing...

Top Projects for 1989
Transportation-related projects, most notably bridges, dominate the 1989 OCEA projects, but each of the 11 improved the quality of life of people in the community without harming the environment....





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